Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tips to prepare HoM for GW2 ?

Haven't played since the original came out, but with all the GW2 hype, I went and bought all 4 games (already had Prophecies, but got Tri).

Now I'm currently playing casually through all 4 campaigns with a friend, mainly for the missions and storyline.

Once I'm done with that though, I'm wondering if there's an efficient way to complete the HoM for maximum effect in GW 2.

There's just so much stuff to grind in GW, so it would be nice to know which ones I can skip and avoid that wouldn't contribute much to the HoM.

I know there's pretty much no info on what HoM does to GW 2 (could be just a lousy title), but I still would like to know.

If there's a guide for this somewhere, please show me the link.|||We have absolutely no clue yet, what is considered a "full" Hall of Monuments and what Monuments will provide a "thing" in GW2.

1. Monuments: Some monuments are "full" when you have reached certain number to display, so you might or might not have to add more. (e.g. 5 elite armours can be displayed, but you can add more)

2. Achievements: Completing an elite area (e.g. The Deep) can be displayed, but it doesn't have a corresponding title, so nobody knows if you have to have all of those.

3. Titles: Mahagony or GWAMM? The central statue doesn't change anymore once you have reached 25 maxed titles, so getting GWAMM at 30 titles doesn't really matter...or does it?

There are too many questions concerning the HoM and its "mirror" in GW2, so I would say: Play the game and enjoy and do not hunt for the Hall as your primary goal.

Of course you can "synergize" while working on titles (like always carry Lockpicks, explore a map once you are done with a vanquish etc), but trying to catch up with veterans of the game now, will only bring frustration to th experience.

PS: My personal "augury" for the HoM is, that it will transform the appearance of your "home district" in GW2, e.g. adding more statues, making things "bigger" than the one of an new player without GW1 backups.|||Agreed with Gorani. I want to go more in depth on the titles though, some are much easier to max whereas others will make you wish you'd never started them.

Treasure hunter, wisdom, lucky/unlucky... these are the titles that take forever to max. I'd stay away from them if I was wanting to get lots of stuff in my HoM now. Not that I'd say to stay away from using lockpicks, just don't expect to max them to help with GWAMM. You can display lucky/unlucky in your HoM once they are r2, but the other two need to be maxed.

I'd suggest trying skill hunter in all the campaigns, not only does it get 4 titles towards GWAMM (3 per, and 1 just for completing the other 3) but it also gets you skills on your account. Protector is always easy to get, just realize that you'll also have to do guardian in every campaign to get the extra title.

Lightbringer/sunspear are always fun and easy to max, there's a reason they no longer contribute to favor, when they did people maxed out favor in one weekend. They go up faster than any other bounty title... not that eotn bounty titles go up slow either. Cantha's faction title is slow though (only needs to be r4 to be displayed in the hom though).

There are also consumer titles, if going for those I'd suggest making a perma-pre character to gather the items and find someone who will carry these items over to post for you. If you use two of your accounts at the same time, you can trade items with yourself in pre, so you could run your items to post by making a new character and taking them over at lvl 2. These titles still take quite a while even using this method though, so I'm not necessarily recommending you do it right away. Just, you know, if you enjoy pre and want to work on some titles while fighting there.|||Given that GW2 could be as close as 6-9 months away i'd do the following.

Noting the 'basic' requirements for each statue:
  • Friendship : 5 Heroes with upgraded armour

  • Devotaion: 20 mini pets

  • Honour: 5 titles

  • Resilience: 5 Elite armour

  • Valor: 11 elite weapons

1). Complete all the campaigns and EotN in normal mode,then grind either sunspear/lightbringer or the EotN reputations on a bonus weekend to make 5 titles. Anything else is either harder, or more grind.

2). Complete the MoX and Black Moa Bird 'books', Both can be added to your Friendship Monument. Then run around Dajkah Inlet for an hour or two to get the rest. The black mos can be used as a mini pet for (4).

3). Elite armour is going to be materials gathering, to save cash and finding money.

4). Mini pets: Apart from the ones you have, then either create storage characters and use theirs. Note that this will take you a year, but there are indiciations that the HoM will update after GW2 starts. Your other option is to buy cheap white ones.

5). Grind for cash and materials for Weapons.

Skill hunter is nice and useful, but it is going to cost you 290k in gold, and you are probably going to want to spend that money elsewhere.

That should get you the minimum for a 'Full Hall'.

Rea|||I used the titles to get more depth from GW. Ok, not always, but most of the time...

Things like Protector and Guardian, players who want fun & challenge should do that. Master of the North and elite areas are the best PvE challenges out there. If you start with a Survivor and then get those, then the rest is time invested.

Doing these titles will bring you closer to affording some minis, destroyer weapons, and elite armors.|||Best advice I can give for Legendary Guardian and Vanquisher:

The mental resolve to do it needs to outweigh the desire for ease in accomplishing the task.|||Leg. Guardian can be done fairly rapidly and easily (if you're a decent player) using PUGs or allies during zmish days.

Vanquish is *easier* except that it's harder to find willing party members, and it takes *much* longer.|||
  • make 1 elite armor per character, you only need to unlock the armor skin since HoM is account wide

  • i dunno if rarity of minis has anything to do with GW2, but i got a mix of whites, purples and greens... you can buy a bunch of white minis pretty cheaply... some will give them away in fact

  • destroyer weapons are way cheaper than tormented, and like armor skins, you can give 1 destroyer wep per character to unlock the wep skin (ie staff for you ele, scepter & focus for your necro...)

  • pets can fill the Friendship shrine, taming a black moa gives you a black moa statue AND animal companion statue, also cap phoenix and black widow, and get MOX

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