Starting at Noon Pacific (-8 GMT) this Friday, you will receive double points for exchanging 1,000 faction for Jadeite or Amber, for exchanging 3,000 faction for an alliance skill, and for transferring 5,000 faction to raise your alliance's reputation. This bonus will last through 11:59 PM Pacific (-8 GMT) on Sunday.
Ambers and Jadeites are usually 5k per, is this just a weekend rate or a typo?|||I would guess its an oversight in the announcement since they're being reused from before the change in price for amber/jade, but who knows.|||I'd jump through the roof with joy if they made those 1k each even for the weekend... I'm in the mood for getting some of those, you know.|||I wouldn't count on it though. There's been typos before, and I seem to remember seeing that specific type as well.|||They've made several mistakes in the Login announcements before, so yeah.|||The 1k is in the German localization announcement too, but I still think it is old text.|||It was wrong back in August last year when we last had this event, so it seems pretty clear this is the same unchanged text used since before the large Kurzick/Luxon Faction update.|||I left a message at Regina's feedback talk page on the wiki. Perhaps we can get a response on the issue soon.|||Quote:

It was wrong back in August last year when we last had this event, so it seems pretty clear this is the same unchanged text used since before the large Kurzick/Luxon Faction update.
I can confirm that. I even ran my monk there to test it that time, and was still 5k points for ambers in spite of the announcement. Though with the farming nerfs coming ( tomorrow ? ) I wish ANET will let us have a splurge, and also make it worth going for Nick's presents.|||Now I really want to know what changes are going to be made to the 600/Smite builds by Anet. I plan on using this 2x weekend event to catapult me from rank 10 to rank 12 and I'm hoping nothing severe is made to affect the DTSC (not holding my breath on that one though).
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