Thursday, April 19, 2012

Probably a stupid question

But I'll ask anyway. If I put my 1337 armors on show at the Hall of Monuments, do I need storage space in the bank for them? I mean, if I had like 6 sets for 3 characters, would I have to keep 40% of my bank space reserved for them or can I store them in HoM?|||If you've dedicated minis to the HOM, then the armor stuff is just like that.

You're essentially just "registering" the armors and a representation of the armor goes up on display. You will still need inventory space for all armors (either equipped, in inventory, on a mule or in storage).|||Note that even if you delete the armor (or mini, or weapon), the entry in HoM will remain, So if you are rich and only buy armors for the HoM it is "safe" to delete them for space.|||Uh, sounds to me like the OP thinks that an armor put at display in the HoM will be stored there as if he put it in a Xunlai Chest.

It won't.

It will just be put on display. The actual armor will remain physically on your character. So yes, if you want to keep the set after putting it in the HoM, you still need storage space - either on your char, a mule or the Xunlai Chest.|||I'll just make my PvP sin a mule then.|||Hey, in a couple of weeks, you can use your pve sin for a mule as well.


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Note that even if you delete the armor (or mini, or weapon), the entry in HoM will remain, So if you are rich and only buy armors for the HoM it is "safe" to delete them for space.

That reminds me. The HOM can now be set to character or account-wide, so you can get elite armors for your different characters rather than multiple sets for a single character and still have a "full" armor display.|||Quote:

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Hey, in a couple of weeks, you can use your pve sin for a mule as well.


What? Yea he is gonna have his 1st BD in February but I don't see how that relates to making him a mule lol. Sarcasm?|||Quote:

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What? Yea he is gonna have his 1st BD in February but I don't see how that relates to making him a mule lol. Sarcasm?

He's talking about the upcoming SF nerf.|||I don't use SF...

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