Thursday, April 19, 2012

Returning Player from beta/release lots of q's

Hi, Me and my friend quit WoW and I decided to play Guild Wars again. I use to have a ranger when the game first came out like 2005? but I don't remember anything at all.

Me and my friend want to focus on PvP. I Bought the Trilogy with all 3 games not the expansion. We made characters on Prophecies; but I am wondering what do most people make that focus on pvp? I think nightfall's characters have better hairstyles... and is it true that nightfall's skills are better for pvp? and do I have to buy Eye of the North for the most up to date skills for pvp


and sorry but I have read the stickies but they don't help me :L|||If you want to focus on PvP, then I'd make a PvP-only character. Once you unlock any skill or upgrade, you can use them free of charge. This makes it super-easy to re-roll new characters. Plus, you don't need to PvE if all you're interested in is PvP. As a PvE-mainly player, personally, I prefer to use a PvP-only char when I do play PvP.

Good builds will tend to draw from many campaigns. So while it's true that Nightfall probably offers more good skills, all 4 games offer some good skills. Again, for PvP, it's super-easy to unlock only those skills you need... that would take a lot longer via PvE.

As for the looks, it really depends on your preferences, and on the profession.|||You may need to do a small amount of PvE to unlock some skills so you can make a good PvP build, but once you get a good base build that wins matches for you, then you can use that to get Balthazar faction (a point system to unlock more skills for PvP). I suggest making a PvE character of the class that you might want to PvP in, play through at least one campaign, if not all, to unlock skills. Then make a PvP character of the same class and you can work on finding a good build to use in PvP.|||Alternatively, Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood, Alliance Battles, and Random Arena are places where even new players can get some faction. There are also zaishen challenge and zaishen elite...

Don`t forget to pick up the zaishen combat of the day!

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