My questions are:
1. Is it easy to miss a tiny part of the map where you thought you've already mapped everything, and then when you think you're about to reach 100%, suddenly it shows up as 99.9% and have no idea where you need to find that .1%?
2. Has anyone experienced something similar to this?
3. What did you do in order to solve it? Did you have to do it all over again?
The reason why I'm asking this is because of a traumatic experience experience I had with FFX-2. After spending close to 60 hours on the game in order to get the perfect ending, I finished the game with an insulting 99.99%. Like the game was mocking me.

Without any help (Texmod or something) it is quite hard to max the Cartographer titles, and it takes a lot of time and gets on your nerves sometimes... I would suggest downloading a complete map and then comparing it to yours, and see if you can find any tiny differences. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to installing unofficial mods (e.g. Texmod), especially now that there have been reports of so many hacked accounts, so I wouldn't suggest those, but that's your decision.

Good luck!

Also as a side not you can't get the best ending if FFX-2 in one play through, it is impossible if I remember right since there is a minor new game plus built in that opens a new option or area on a second play through.|||I never found cartographer annoying, as I just explore every map properly when I'm in it for the first time: if an area is on my map, then it's cartographed completely (or obviously missing one half of it).
I never used texmod for it. :P
Given that you're now thinking about it as a random fancy, I guess you just waltzed through the maps without exploring them at all. This spells indeed trouble of some sorts. You'll have to revisit each of them again and hug the walls, and keep track of which area you've finished and which are still incomplete. If you do it systematically, ideally with a list of some sorts as a .txt file, then you won't run into the dreadful 99.9% issue.
Cantha especially can be brutal, because you can't access some tiny little spots in the Luxon/Kurzick outposts (only the controlling alliance can) and I guess because it may be hard to get a FA match nowadays. Also, you'll probably need the extra bit from the Shing Jea Monastery newbie area, which won't be accessable for another couple of months.
It isn't a hard title, if you're systematically doing it. It can be hard and annoying if you're doing it sloppily.|||Quote:

If I had to do the cartography titles again, I'd be using Texmod and something like Cartography made easy, since I wasted too much time scraping walls the last time I did it.
this. the old way takes so long to do since you never really know what you're missing. it is an epic achievement to do it that way tho or just painful as hell. depends on the person I suppose.|||Quote:

this. the old way takes so long to do since you never really know what you're missing. it is an epic achievement to do it that way tho or just painful as hell. depends on the person I suppose.
I remember comparing maps with someone who had 100%. Major pain in the ***, especially with getting the clouds correct..|||If you know at character creation you are getting the titles, it will be a piece of cake. Anywhere that character goes will be completely and thoroughly mapped and it will be fairly stress free. Be sure to scrape the towns as well, they add a ton to your percent!|||I agree with Fluffball. If you decide to get it when you create the character, you can do most of title while simply playing through the game regularly and that makes it feel less lke a chore. I would definitely run texmod, though. Otherwise it's a complete hell.|||Do yourself a favor and run texmod for cartography. What I personally recommend is to use Cartography Made Easy to get most and use the green map to get the last few %. CME is good for most part because you get to see what you are missing directly on your map, but it doesn't tell you the exact location of the missing spot which can be troublesome if you are trying to get a spot between two explorables and they don't pick up tiny lone spots in middle of explorables. On the other hand, you need to go through things like take screen shot and have them compared with green map, but they can show you the exact location of every missing spots, making them better for figuring out how to access the remaining few %.
You could do the green map comparison yourself, but I'm still available to do comparisons (the comparison thread is buried somewhere in CDF).
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