You need to have a character lvl 10 (or above) to access it, and then you need to do a quest in order to go to EotN.
Once you hit lvl 10 (or above), you need to talk to one of those guys:
Len Caldoron in Lion's Arch (,
Minister of Maintenance Raiugyon in Kaineng Center (, or
Bendah in Kamadan (
Doing so will start a quest that opens up EotN.|||:facepalm:
Thanks, Alaris. Time to go lvl up. Still need 4 more levels.|||No problem, and good luck! EotN can be challenging compared to regular campaigns. Feel free to visit, but if it gets to hard, you can always go back to Nightfall for a bit.
Fortunately, it gives a buff in EotN before level 20 so you're not going to be badly behind.|||Quote:

Fortunately, it gives a buff in EotN before level 20 so you're not going to be badly behind.
Doesn't the buff only give you the health and energy of a level 20 character? I don't think you get the attribute points. So, while you can take more hits, your attacks won't be nearly as effective (obviously depending upon how you spent your attribute points).|||You get the attribute points as well.|||You get 9 in each attribute, which is enough to get by. You don't get to choose how you distribute your points...|||Quote:

You get the attribute points as well.

You get 9 in each attribute, which is enough to get by. You don't get to choose how you distribute your points...
Oh, did not know that, of all the characters I've taken to EotN, only about 2 of them were not level 20, but they were close, like 17 or 18, so I didn't even notice the attribute points that were added.|||Quote:

You get 9 in each attribute, which is enough to get by. You don't get to choose how you distribute your points...
Well, that last part is a bummer. Got 3 more levels to go befor I can strt any EotN stuff. Hopefully it will go by quick.|||Quote:

Well, that last part is a bummer. Got 3 more levels to go befor I can strt any EotN stuff. Hopefully it will go by quick.
If you haven't completed any campaigns, you're going to find EotN pretty difficult even with the buffs. It sounds like you haven't even reached the mainland in NF, and Kourna is still lower level than anything in EotN even though it is a big jump up from Istan.
The foes in EotN are strong and in teams that are better balanced than is usual for the campaigns. You will be going in without all the skills, builds, and experience that you would gain by completing a campaign. You will be going in without having many skills unlocked for the heroes you will acquire there, so they will have sub-optimal builds.
I would advise not being in too much of a hurry to jump into EotN. You would really be gimping yourself, and I think you'd find it less enjoyable to play that way.
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