Book farming
What do you mean by this? Do i fill the entire book or only minimum which is more efficient?|||Translation: Fill out entire hero books and turn them in for max rep - watch your total reputation points, once you hit rank 8 exactly, you won't get more rep from hero books, but if you turn in a full book while you're still a few points from rank 8, you will get the full amount from the book.
Anyway, once you hit rank 8, repeat, but in hard mode.
Or do what I did, spice it up with a bit of vanquishing to avoid going raving mad from repeating the same missions over and over.|||There is also speedbooking.
Basically abusing a few main quests to repeatedly get your books to a minimum amount filled and turn them in.|||It depends on the title:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide...ldrimor_points suggests Snowmen lair.
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide...utation_points suggests raptor farming
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide...utation_points suggests the quest Path to Revelations (not repeatable, so make sure you don't accept the reward)
And there's no good way to farm Ebon aside from books.
Of course, I prefer books because it's more fun... but I also do MotN first, so that there's not much left to do in terms of farming after.|||Actually Ebon was the one title I maxed without using books. Repeated vanquishing of Sacnoth Valley, saving the charr bosses for last just seemed a lot faster.
But maybe that was just because I was sick of filling out books at the time.|||You vanquished repeatedly Sacnoth?

Mainly I took the siege devourer and took point, while heros and hench backed me up.
I got major lucky at and the boss bounty kicked in JUST as I was coming up the hill to where the 3 charr bosses were. Just from those 3 bosses alone I got near 1k rep points. I went from level 3 to level 5 in one go.|||Yeah, you can rack up thousands of points in one go if you get lucky with the bounties. I got over 9000 points in one vanquish (note, this was BEFORE you got additional bonus rep points for vanquishing an area...) due to being at 4x hunt bonus, rampage and hitting the charr bosses after about 250 kills.
Haven't tried it lately but I believe it's still quite worthwile. That was on my necro - haven't really wanted to max vanguard rep on any of my other characters.
Though maybe I should do so on the assassin for an extra second of blindness from Sneak Attack (she's at Rank 8 at the moment, so technically I only need to get to rank 9 for that extra second I guess.)
Couldn't sleep so I decided to see if it was still worthwile to vanquish Sacnoth. Got 11400 rep points in one go with my assassin. That includes the 2240 bonus points for vanquishing the area. Was at hunt rank 3 when I finished and blew a couple of boss bonuses and a time attack, so I could have got more if luck had been with me.
Takes roughly an hour and a half to vanquish the valley (well, less if you remember to bring a daze skill for Blisterbark. And if you remember to turn on the vanguard title when fighting the charr.) - so it's a decent way to get vanguard points if you are bored with the books.
Yeah, I sort of forgot to plan for Borrguus Blisterbark though so it could have been faster if I hadn't spent so much time on burning to a crisp and being resurrected. Or if I had remembered to bring a morale boosting consumable or two...
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