Well ive been gone awhile from GuildWars, it lost its 'mojo' to me back then.
Trying to find something to do while waiting for diablo 3 and GW 2(beta) to come around, so i thought i would fill in some time with guildwars.
I will be remaking my dervish or ranger so i can re-experience it instead of picking up my existing characters.
Ive been hearing things about no one does missions anymore and only do ZA ones or something? Will it be hard to actualy get REAL people partys in most missions?...kinda offputting

Anything else i need to know? ;d|||It will probably be difficult to get live people for various missions (if it isn't the Zaishen Mission of the day). Your best bet would be to find a wonderful guild/alliance for that instead of hoping you'd find a PUG.
BTW, welcome back!|||Gah...thought that was the case...
The game has died that much? or is it just no new players are coming and everyones concentrating on end game stuff?
what are the ZM's btw? what do they give?
And ty for the wb ^^|||Your second guess, that most people are grizzled old veterans doing end game stuff is correct. In my personal experience, find a PUG isn't THAT hard though. I guess it depends on time of day.
Zeishen Missions are daily missions that pay you in Zeishen coins, which are basically tickets at Chuck E Cheese. You can trade them in for almost anything in the game.|||Quote:

The game has died that much? or is it just no new players are coming and everyones concentrating on end game stuff?
It's not that the game has died, or that no new players are coming in, but mostly that the amount of new players isn't large, and the older ones that are in any way interested in playing with other people are in a guild already, and that the same applies for mos tof the new people too.|||You say "another returning thread", which means you follow these forums, which means you should know what to look for, which means you should have seen this link:
Which means you should go there, and not pay any attention to anything here, correct?|||Quote:

You say "another returning thread", which means you follow these forums, which means you should know what to look for, which means you should have seen this link:
Which means you should go there, and not pay any attention to anything here, correct?
That's only true if you believe that no one wants to answer their questions. This is the questions forum so why not post here?
Not everyone is too busy/arrogant/elite/jaded to answer.
As for the question about whether people play missions with real people, yes, they do but not all mission outposts will have people in them when you're there...
Try joining a pve guild and schedule mission play with your guild mates if possible - or, do some district hopping. Sometimes you might get lucky and find a nearly full team in say the american districts or the european ones. - There's no limit to how often you can change continents anymore, so why not give that a shot?
Also, check the party search screen. And turn on "check other language districts." After all, it shouldn't matter if two of your team mates are from the german or polish districts. Presumably they just want to finish the mission too, right?|||Quote:

You say "another returning thread", which means you follow these forums, which means you should know what to look for, which means you should have seen this link:
Which means you should go there, and not pay any attention to anything here, correct?
That is an almost useless thread considering the questions the OP asked. A call for articles and a don't panic button. Great thread you chose, all two posts...
As for PUGs, there are a few of them out there but no where near as many as there use to be. Heros have become too popular and a lot of players are too concerned with how long it takes to do almost anything. If you take too long they leave. My best advice is to find a guild and or make new friends and play with them as you can.|||Ty for the anwers everyone

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