I am playing GW Factions. I just completed the quest "A formal Introduction" and after I successfully completed the mission, I got a cut scene that went into the next quest Minister Cho's estate. The problem is after the cut scene I was dropped off in the Minister Cho's commons area with no one to trigger a quest. Master Togo is in Shing Jea Monestary but is no where to be found in Minister Cho's estate. I dont have any quests to do and no one to talk to to give me any more quests. I have been wandering around for about 3 hours now and have a few areas blocked by red gates. There is no one to talk to by any of these closed red gates. I am at level 8 almost to level 9. Am I missing something here? Is this a glitch? My understanding is that I should have been able to talk to Master Togo somewhere in Minister Cho's estate to trigger the next mission. When I talk to him in Shing Jea Monestary he says nothing about the quest. Please help.|||Did you click on that Start Mission button just below your party list? Once you can enter Minister Cho's estate, there is no need to talk to anyone. In GW, there is a difference between missions and quests: quests need an NPC to trigger, missions in Factions can be done once you are allowed into the area.|||On your party menu, there should be an 'Enter Mission' button. Click that to begin the mission. This is the same for all Prophecies and Factions missions.|||You hand the quest in to a guard who is close to the gate that you enter through in the cut-scene. After that, form a group and click "Enter Mission" and you'll be on your way :)|||"Takes foot out of bum"
I am definately not smarter than a 5th grader. Thanks for the quick responses. I never saw the button.|||Don't forget to add 3 henchmen to your team before you press the "enter mission" button. If you die during a mission, you will have to do the whole thing all over from the start. A full team will make it easier to finish the mission.|||You're not alone in this one... I bumbled around there myself, looking for the mission starter. Finally someone in my Alliance said "Click the button..." I started in Nightfall, you see... yah, excuses, excuses. :)|||Quote:

"Takes foot out of bum"
I am definately not smarter than a 5th grader. Thanks for the quick responses. I never saw the button.
Common mistake.
Don't worry about it.|||Quote:

"Takes foot out of bum"
I am definately not smarter than a 5th grader. Thanks for the quick responses. I never saw the button.
Don't feel too badly about it. At least you didn't delete two characters over it. I had only been playing for about a month and I figured I screwed something up, so, like I said, I deleted two characters. Since they were Prophecies characters, it took me forever to get back to that point, and I had to relive the searing all over again...
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