Beastmaster's Mind Spark Garb of Minor Water Magic.
Salvage Item
Water Magic +1 (Non Stacking)
Armor +10 (while your pet is alive)
Value:17 gold
I'd like to use it if it adds armor, but I'm not clear how. I can't drag/drop it onto any of my armor. I don't think I'm supposed to salvage it.
What do I do?
Cey|||By the name "Mind Spark", I'm going to guess you got that in presearing. Presearing, in case you don't know, is the green, pastoral area with towns like Ascalon, Ashford Abbey, etc.
The things on that armor are called insigniae and runes, and they're essentially magical upgrades to your armor. To use them, you need to "salvage" the armor using an Expert Salvage Kit (not available really in pre*) You'd then double-click the rune, and click the piece of armor to which you want to apply it.
However, I can tell you right now that the cost of the stuff on that armor (one Minor Water Magic Rune, one Beastmaster's Insignia) is really not worth much. Therefore, unless you're a water elementalist (unlikely in pre) or really into using pets, I'd just sell it to the merchant. You could also try to sell it in Ascalon (go to ascalon, click Trade tab in chat window), by saying "WTS Minor Water, Beastmasters Insig unsalvaged", but I'd say that's a waste of your time: you could earn more $ killing stuff in the same time it would take to find a customer.
Hope this helps!
*Well, they are, but they're like 5,000g each. Certainly not worth it for this.|||You're right, I am in pre-searing. I'm a level 9 ranger w/o a second profession yet. I do use pets though, but I can't do much with this until i get to post i guess. Well, thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.|||You can get a gold salvage kit(5 uses) from the Charr bosses, if you don't want to pay 5K for one. Also most people will sell uses for 1k each.|||To clarify, you shouldn't use a charr salvage kit on those mods. They're worth less than 100 gold a piece. But you do have the option of charr salvage kits.|||It's a little off-topic, but I'd like to point out that this item in particular is kind of strange, though not unusual. It's a mind spark garb, which means it dropped from a mesmer, but it has a ranger insignia and an elementalist rune. They always make me sigh a little when I see things like that.|||Clearly Charr are l33t enough to use at least 3 professions at once. A Dom/Beasmastery/Water Magic Charr... hmm.|||I figure the chars killed someone/something with that attribute, and added it to their garb.
That is what I figure about beasts/plants that drop gold.|||OP's reaction is pretty much what mine was back when I first encountered a runed salvageable armor.

Clearly Charr are l33t enough to use at least 3 professions at once. A Dom/Beasmastery/Water Magic Charr... hmm.
It could be that they stuck the runes/insignias on forcibly (duct tape?) and not getting the bonus because they aren't put on correctly.|||I didn't read all the other replies very carefully, but I think it's worth mentioning that you can't wear any armor that the enemies drop when they die. You can only wear armor that you craft at an armor trader (not possible in pre-searing?) or get from certain collectors.
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