Monday, April 16, 2012

Returning after a break

Hi there, as you can see from my forum join date I'm not new to Guild Wars, I started nearly 5 years ago (5 years in October) but I haven't played for a year or so (Logged in for 30 minutes here and there but nothing major)

What is there to do now a days? I've completed all the expansions and EoTN, I've played PvP up to rank 7 or so and am not interested in grinding titles, is there anything left for me to sink my teeth into or will I be better off just waiting for GW2..?|||I remember you!

Anyway, what's there to do now, as for new content there is the war in Kryta, a final face-off between the Shining Blade and the White Mantle. This means new enemies, new quests, a couple of new items such as weapons, treasures and minipets. It's not as big as a new campaign, but it's very nice to see new content in a 5 year old game! It's quite complicated to get access to the war in Kryta content though, see here to find out how.

If you've been gone ever since EotN, there's also Zaishen quests, which give you as reward "Zaishen coins" which can be traded in for items, including "equipment packs" which can be used in the same way as belt pouches or bags; there's been a slot added to your inventory window for them.

Also, there is this one NPC who appears in a new zone each week. He collects random (but usually hard to get) junk and gives nice presents for you, up to a maximum of 5 presents per account, per week. He moves each monday and a few hours after that, you usually see postings on community sites like this one, detailing his location and what he collects this week. Sure, he's just a cheap way to make players farm, but the presents he give are (sometimes) nice.

Welcome back.|||I also remember you. :)

Adding to Raspberry Jam, there are also

- Zaishen Managerie - ranger pet stable

- Zinn's golem quests - that's some more new content, and is connected to the current War in Kryta, but it was added last year

- Not sure if you were still around when this happened, but Team Arena and Hero Battles are removed from the game, and Codex arena was added.|||I remember you as well. Welcome back.

I don't have anything to add in terms of new things in gameplay. I can tell you, though, that we've been having things called costume available only through real money transaction. We also had mass bot banning about a month ago, and we had ample amount of QQ to enjoy.

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