I played through most of the classes and finally I stopped at the Ritualist. Now many people recommend that I should probably complete Nightfall first, because of the heroes and then move onto the other campaigns. What my main concern is that the Ritualist is a Factions only class and most of my primary skills are unlocked by questing in Cantha.
The question is this: Do I finish the basic quests in Cantha and move on to Nightfall for the heroes and gimp myself by not getting the important skills for my class (at least I think most of the important skills are from Factions) or do I stick in Cantha until I finish it fully to unlock the skills and THEN move onto the other campaigns?|||Go to Kaineng, first. There's a skill trainer who offers IIRC all the non elite skills of Factions, so you can buy these.
Then move over to Nightfall and grab Koss, Dunkoro, Melonni, Tahlkora and Jin/Sousuke. You can also grab the Mox, though it's a bit beyond me what anyone would want with that ugly thing if you can have a Melonni instead. If these heroes don't fulfil your dreams of a customisable team yet, head over to EotN and grab Ogden, Vekk, Gwen.
An Olias is always a nice thing to have, but you'll have to actually do something more than just leaving Kamadan and walking around a bit. To get him, you'll need to follow the primary quests in Nightfall up to the point where you hit Consulate Docks. That is 2 or maybe 3 primary quests, one of them is a bit longer than just walking around for half a minute.
So, at that point, you have:
- 3 monks
- 1 warrior
- 2 dervishes
- 1 ranger or 1 elementalist (suggestion: take the ranger)
- 1 more elementalist
- 1 mesmer
- 1 necromancer
Then do whatever you fancy. If you are on the hunt for Signet of Spirits, then you should indeed head back to Factions.
If you are completely new at GW, then it might be worth to think it over if your heroes will really be better than the henchmen, until you have unlocked some more skills for them. I think that there is somewhat of a pressure to get a minionmaster and a protector quickly if you're roaming around in Factions, so you could just add the Olias and a Tahlkora to your team and buy them some more skills at your leisure.|||With a factions character, I would normally just grab a few heroes in Nightfall and EotN, and then continue the Factions campaign. You can get a lot of heroes quickly in both games.... and in normal mode you don't need to get all heroes.
Don't forget Olias.|||The henchmen got updated a while back, and the Factions henchmen are better than 99.5% of people's heroes. There is even a minion master and a couple spirit spammers, so they're quite solid at getting a newbie through. I'm not recommending heroes or henchmen, just saying you have options.
By the way the skill trainer in Kaneing does not have the full selection of skills, you'll need to go significantly further in Factions to get to all of them (not that Factions is that large!)|||Really? I thought that Factions followed the policy of "we make the player lvl 20 in 2 hours of gameplay and then we cause an information overflow error in their brains by showing them all the skills at once". Ah well, it's been too long that my account wasn't UAX, so I really didn't remember.

In any case, the skill trainer in Kaineng should have almost all skills, with some minor exceptions. The selection should provide more than enough choices to set up a preliminary Rit build.|||Quote:

To OP, the most basic, maybe the most effort-efficient Rit build is most probably the offensive Spirit Spammer. Most of the skills are available pretty early on, but you may want to Visit Kamadan and the Sunspear Great Hall in Nightfall for a couple more skills. Of course the elite skill Signet of Spirits is about halfway through the Kurzick areas.|||The skill trainer in Harvest Temple will talk to you regardless of your affiliation.
Also the guy in the city is mildly low on the skill tree. All of the games give you more skill the further you get in to the game. I believe there are 3 skill trainers after KC (off the top of my head.)
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