Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Health

Hi. I've seen a screenshot of a monk with 620-650hp, they had a melee set, but...I don't know what armor runes, etc...

Any specific mods for the melee and armors? Thanks|||480 base

+50 from sup vigor

+35 full survivor set

+60 possible from weps

thats 625, and you can have up to 4 vitae runes for another possible +40 (2 more likely, minor divine favor and minor prot or heal to finish).|||Did they have a buff in the corner?

Maybe... norn buff?

Or was there a sybiosis buff?|||620-650 sounds pretty standard for a full survivor set, one sup vigor, a couple of vitae and +30s on the melee weapons. Any attribute runes used would have been minors.|||My Ritualist has 625hp. +60 on the tools (spear and Bison Cup), Superior Vigor, Survivors, a Vitae. It's a good set-up because monsters don't see me as a good target; they'll go around me to get to someone else.

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