Wednesday, April 18, 2012

dye drop weekend

have we lost em?

i was hoping for another weekend of double/triple dye drop chance

i've seen in GWW that we didnt havce it for more than a year o_O

dunno, but maybe some here know if anet has stated never to do it anymore |||It wasn't a good weekend tbh, because dye drop rates are low to begin with, so it feels like 2x0=0 or 3x0=0. Also, dye prices are pretty low (white & black excepted), and any farming weekend (e.g. that drops drinks, party, or sweets) dyes prices drop even lower...

Mind you, anything that gets people farming will help me max wisdom... but I think any other kind of special drop would be preferable...

Or perhaps triple dye + triple lockpicks would be somewhat more tempting.|||It's not like the weekend really offered anything to begin with. It's still much faster and easier to just amass money and then buy the damn dyes because they've been dirt cheap the past couple years.|||Unless they increased drops of white and black only by a factor of 100 or something! :D|||Yeah...not really worthwhile...not that I participate in many of the bonus weekends, but dye is fairly easy to come by, and cheap if you don't already have some stashed (excluding white/black). Double gold drops would be better, or another increase in lockpick drops.|||Maybe a double tomes weekend?|||Double tomes would be fun :)|||I notice that's what they've been doing the last year and a half now, combining sucky weekend events into one, making them not so sucky.

Like double green drop combined with double exp points for skillcaps,

The increased scroll drop and scroll length with sunspear/lightbringer weekend.

The problem with dyes though, they do have a sucky drop rate to begin with, and as noted, certain colors drop more then others.

Blues, reds, blacks and whites tend to drop the least.

(brown hasn't been out nearly as long as the rest of them, and yet my pile of brown matches my other dye piles, and I even use it on disposable outfits.)

What would be REALLY cool, is if they combined something like the dye drop weekend or exp bonus or some other weak event for pve with stuff that's only pvp. (tourny weekend? This helps like maybe... 5% of the given population.)|||dye drops low???? I generally get at least one dye per mission...|||The last dye drop weekend, resulted in 3 dyes, blue, red, yellow. And I played approximately 30 hours. If I need dye, I can always buy it, don't really look for it to drop, except for maybe white and black.

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