So the last time I played was a while back. End of summer 2007. I downloaded the game and tried to log in but realized I couldn't remember my password. So I've reset my password. Several times. I still haven't gotten an email from NCsoft with a new password. :/
I've submitted an 'Ask a Question' ticket and am wondering, how long does it usually take to hear back?
Could my account have been hacked while I was gone or are accounts just disabled after being gone for so long?
I don't have my CD keys. I hope that won't prevent me from being able to come back. I really just want to come back so I can see my old characters and finish unfinished business with them. I'd be really heartbroken if I can't get my account to work again.
Any knowledge or stories you could impart would be greatly appreciated, thanks!|||Only question I can answer is that your account has not been disabled, you paid for it and it's yours forever. NCSoft is a weird beast so someone else will have to chime in on that one.|||Well, I'd been looking through some responses in this forum, and some people were talking about getting their account reactivated after it being hacked. So I was thinking, maybe it got hacked while I was gone? It says as one of their little messages that if you don't get an email for your password reset that your account may be disabled.|||That could be true, there were several thousand accounts that were disabled for botting.|||it is the if you have sent in a ticket to support you may not hear back until monday.
It is quite possible that your account was used by others (hacked), however, the account is still there --what may be left on it is another story.
If you have to prove you are the owner, you will more than likely need the keys (plus whatever else they ask for) ....when you tried to log in did you make sure to put in your character name? (full name both first and last).|||:(
I really, really hope that my characters are still there if I was. I figured it may be a weekend thing but was hoping since I got an email response last night (about esculating my ticket).
I don't have my keys. At most I may be able to provide tidbits of them but very unlikely all expansions. :/ I have two accounts. One account I don't remember any of the characters for, the other I do. I straight up just couldn't remember my passwords. Been too long.|||Update!
Yes, my account got hacked. Both actually. (I have 2) All but one of my characters had no money and my necromancer's prestige armor is gone. :( But I am happy to have it back, despite the losses. Some of my characters are wearing odd things or have odd things.
I am hoping I can get back in the flow. If anyone wants to be my friend or hang out in game, I'd love to have some company!|||Aw, getting hacked sucks, but at least you were able to get your accounts back.
And you still have your characters, which makes it so much easier to get back on your feet (actually, hackers rarely delete characters, since it saves them the time to level bots, and the ones that cannot be used as bots are set to mule/birthday present duty).
Regardning company, you should check out the guild and alliance recruitment forum subsection. Most friends found these days are within alliances.
Good luck!|||There is a new feature at the NCSoft site that can lock your account to only being able to be logged onto by specific computers. This will greatly reduce the chance of hacking in the future, but requires you to use / setup and NCsoft master account. Some conspiracy buffs like to point to the master account as the reason for the account hacks to begin with....(I don't buy into it, but that's another topic).|||Quote:

There is a new feature at the NCSoft site that can lock your account to only being able to be logged onto by specific computers. This will greatly reduce the chance of hacking in the future, but requires you to use / setup and NCsoft master account. Some conspiracy buffs like to point to the master account as the reason for the account hacks to begin with....(I don't buy into it, but that's another topic).
I don't buy it either, especially because I have 3 accounts on my master and only one got hacked...
But sadly, you can't "deactivate" an account (for example, you know you'll be away for some time and you want your account to stay safe).
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