Monday, April 16, 2012

Years gone - Returning

Hey everyone, most of you will not even know me (pretty sure non of you will know me)

I'm one of the oldies of guildwars, i played right from the beginning, i have all the games and i have completed them all.

Recently i have been searching for a new mmorpg to play.

After having bad experiences with games that have item malls (buy stuff or you stuck basicaly), ive decided to come back to this game.

I've been away since around 2007 i believe,

I watched the GW2 videos and wow B>gw2 now.

Anyway, iam going to be going through the game again on a ranger (starting from the first game) and work my way along and try to complete all the campains (only done it on a ele)

That was long...Sorry for the wall of text,

So i'm asking is there anything i need to know before setting out on my journy?, do people even still play the first game? (ill be hopping over to nightfall to grab heroes when i get to lions arch)

How is the farming? do you still have to farm to get expensive items?

Any help would be nice (installing it right now, damm its big...)|||That wasn't really a wall of text, you wrote ten sentences.

Anywho, there isn't anything special you need to know to play through the games again. But there is some relatively end-game content that a ton of people do every day. At the GToB there are daily missions, boss bounties and PvP quests that you can find groups for extremely easily. There are also daily bounties for White Mantle bosses; look on wiki for the War in Kryta walk through because there are a ****-ton of dialogues you have to watch.

There are some absurdly expensive vanity skins that you need to farm if you want, but obviously you don't need them. The farming in groups is quite active lately. You won't have any trouble finding PUGs for DoA, FoW and UW.|||I recognize you. Although you might not recognize me since I did used to only hang around in Fan Arts for a while.

I'm not sure when you left exactly, so I'll recap recent changes.

* Nicholas Sandford/Nicholas the Traveler: Sandford in Presear, Traveler in Post. He collects specified collector trophies, salvage items, and materials and gives you maximum of 5 gifts per account per day (Pre) or week (post).

* Zaishen Bounty: Three different types of bounties are set up every day in Great Temple of Balthasar. One requires you completion of a mission, another asking for a boss from all continents, and the last requesting you compete in a PvP battle. Only three bounties for each category can be picked up at a time.

* War in Kryta: The current new craze. Basically the real time story of how Kryta starts to unite under one righteous ruler. Involves recruitment of new and old acquaintances, daily bounties, bosses, love stories, and more. We just passed the climax, and we're only starting to see the conclusion to the war.

Other noteworthy things include but are not limited to increase in number of PvE/PvP differentiation of skills, overhaul of Shadow Form, nerf (fix) to Sliver Armor, buff to Hammer Mastery and Mesmers, disappearance of Team Arena and Hero Battles along with introduction of Codex Arena, and costumes available in in-game stores.|||I've noticed a lot of old timers coming back a lot lately.

Is the whole MMOrpg scene out there that bad that this is the only good thing left?

I figgure most people have gone to either World of Grindcraft, or Grindaion.|||It's that bad. Everyone's pretty much searching for ways to bide their time until SWTOR comes out next year.|||Is SW:TOR the new flavor of the year? If I'm not mistaken, people were saying that about Aion last year >.<

I think the newer influx of players is simply because of all the recent GW2 activity.


Yes, many people still play Prophecies. Farming still exists, though the most profitable are with groups. Yes, you still have to farm to get chaos gloves or obsidian armor for all your characters (sadface D:).|||Also, once you get to Lions Arch, you can move up to EOtN. Those hero's start at level 20, Dwarf monk, Asuran Ele right off the bat. As well as a grown up Gwen who is a mesmer.|||Quote:

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Yes, many people still play Prophecies. Farming still exists, though the most profitable are with groups. Yes, you still have to farm to get chaos gloves or obsidian armor for all your characters (sadface D:).

Well, since they made Zaishen keys sellable, you can also get into a PvP guild and play GvG tournaments. A single win will earn you decent placement and net you 50-100k gold for 2 hours play. Of course, getting into PvP is not easy.

2 hours in HA on the Zashen HA quest day also nets boatload of money.|||This is your third returning thread in the past year, so you're not exactly "years gone".

Nothing in particular has really changed from what I said in your first returning thread, even if they did you just need to take a quick look at the update logs on the GW website. People still play in all the games, but as to be expected the population still slowly declines. I personally have returned kind of too, to play through the series with my GF while I wait for GW2 and DIII.

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