Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pre-Searing: Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

That's the question that I asked myself when I rolled a Mesmer for the first time three months ago. The idea of having a Mesmer has always, well, intimidated me. On one hand, I get a character that can apply an ample amount or pressure to foes, but on the other hand I get a character that I've never dealt with before. Keeping this in mind, I created a something that I know would utilize that Mesmer's abilities, to an extent, and allow me to play at my own pace, a PermaPre Mesmer.

The first few days where amazingly good, I roomed the country side with Gwen in happy pursuit. It had reminded me how much I missed my first few days of playing Guild Wars, before Factions came out the following week. I ended up never finishing Pre-Searing thinking it was too small, and that the largeness of Cantha was better, not knowing that it was just the Tutorial. I ended up realizing it much later into Factions when a friend of mine made me play in Prophesies. Much to my surprise, the Charr destroyed the once emerald green and amber orange that was the home of my first Ranger, before I stupidly deleted him. Well, needless to say I switched back to Factions and continued ignoring the awesomeness that was Prophesies, until the same friend made me play again, this time ignoring Pre-Searing, and starting straight from Lion's Arch. I never really got to stand firm on Ascalon, until I made a Warrior, and had the greatest time since first playing Prophesies to date.

I had decided to not do any of the quests, I was considering the idea of getting LDoA, so I was saving them for last. I ended up just killing monsters and taking in the beautiful scenery. I even went and got myself a Stalker, dropping the quest as soon as I was in town. I acted as a Gate Monkey, saving enough to buy myself two Charr bags; knowing that I would never have the luck to get them to drop. I also went around, finding the right items to get all the Collector Armor pieces. Heck, I've even gotten things for Nick and sold off the gifts for several pretty gold pieces. All in all, it was getting to be a very enjoyable two months.

However, now that I'm hitting my third, almost fourth, month; it just isn't being fun anymore. Getting the items for Nick just seems like grinding, and I've reached a level that almost all the monsters I come across barely give me any experience. I could try going to the Northlands, but I know that after a while, it'll end being the same as the other areas. Getting LDoA, just seems far too much work for it's benefits, so I've lost interest in that. It just seems that the only thing that's keeping me there is the innocence that I felt that fist week of playing Guild Wars.

My question is this; is there anyway I can rekindle my love for this small area of the game, or should I just leave it behind and experience the full power that is the Mesmer?|||A good compromise would be to start a new character for the purpose of playing outside presear...

You might later regret leaving presear with this character, maybe all you need is a break from playing in presear all the time. So I'd give that a try.

Personally, I decided against LDoA because it's too grindy. Eventually you'll need to level up monsters before killing them, which is quite the involved process. If you decide against that too, for sure, then go ahead and leave. But in your shoes, I'd give myself some time to think about it and play another char.|||I agree with Alaris (hey, there's gotta be a first for everything). I love pre-searing, but more than 1 or 2 days of playing in pre, and I HAVE to go do something else for a while. So definitely, give yourself a break!|||Yeah, if you can spare the character slots, leave one in pre. I've got a Ranger there, and every now and then I feel the need to load up the bow and get myself some easy party/sweet/drunk points off of Nick.|||Should I stay or should I go now?

If I go there will be trouble

An’ if I stay it will be double

So come on and let me know!


Usually your first charas on an account you shouldn't leave there. Do your quests, get a few things from nick, maybe some cheap dye, but then end the last perfect day and get out. After you've done some other stuff in the game, you can make a new chara there and leave it there for the time being.

Use that chara for interactions with other people from pre, take a break there, or farm some stuff for nick in that time period.

I have one there... OH! SNAP! That chara turned one this year! Forgot I made her to farm stuff for nick. Wonder if she can get a good mini, or if it's just another hydra or devourer.|||Just keep a character in pre, and another past pre.

And when u want to do something in pre, then u can =)

Hope you find your way, experimentation always helps =P|||Quote:

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I agree with Alaris (hey, there's gotta be a first for everything).

Oh come on! We don't argue THAT often! |||Am I the only one that finds pre the most horribly depressing area in the entire game? All of these people are dead already, time to move on. Even the phrase "the last perfect day" is just nightmarish. It's like tomorrow you find out your entire family died.|||Quote:

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Am I the only one that finds pre the most horribly depressing area in the entire game? ...


To the OP:

I too am torn on leaving, but I have actually stayed in pre for 32 months with my mesmer. She's reached LDoA just five days ago, but I am so sad to leave the gentle beauty of pre-searing. But I will have to leave eventually so I can take her to the Hall of Monuments so I can display my LDoA trophy.

I suppose I could delete one of my existing characters that I don't play anymore to make another pre-character if I wanted, or buy another character slot. And you have the same choices as well.

But since you've never played through Prophecies, it's certainly an interesting experience to try out. I will warn you - Prophecies' pace is soooo much slower than Factions, it is almost like an entirely different game.

And as for experiencing the full power that is MESMER - that's what I use my PvP slot for. (I'm not so crazy about using a mesmer in pve but omigosh PvP? YES)


Although wow, with this news, playing a PvE mesmer is getting some love|||I find it hysterical that I've decided to give playing as a Mesmer a full shoot a few weeks before a massive Mesmer skill update!!

And to clear a few things up, that I should have written more clearly; I've finished Prophecies once already on my Monk, and I'm almost finished with my Warrior. Though the first time was done sporadically, so I never got to get a good feel for the story. My friend rushed me through this second run, so I've again missed a lot.

I also haven't been playing my Mesmer like crazy these past three months. I've been playing him on and off like the rest of you. Yes, maybe the first week or two, all I did was play with him, but that's what I do with any new character that I make. The problem is that it's getting too boring now, and I hate it when a character I make goes un-played, and that's what has happened to the poor little Mesmer.

That... And I've been dying to get Monument Armor on the him... I leiks Pirates...

Edit: Alaris, I could make a new Mesmer, but I'm currently using all of my slots. Maybe I could delete some of my newer ones, but I'm still giving them a shoot like my Mesmer. Though, I'm thinking of getting rid of my Dervish, but I really want to keep his name for GW2...

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