Hey, so we are in the game, everything is working. Now we started with Prophecies and when you get the profession quest you kinda spit with your mate, am I right? We went to different locations to do our Main and off profession quests, and there we noticed some other quest, but we didn't take them because we want to play 2gether and we thought that we will stick to the main quest... So we did. And we ware level 2 at that time and we started the main quest event and we ware taken to the mission on our owns not in the party, we ware pissed. We did it on our own and the lands changed we ware level 2, missed a lot of quests, mobs ware tough to kill and the game seems pretty messed up right now, we think that we will remake the chars and do you guys can give any tips? and should we take the non main quests? and with what weapon should i level up a warrior? I started with a hammer then picked up a sword shield and my damage sucked : D so yea i made a pretty stupid, dumb and long post, hope someone will reply, thanks.|||The pretty place you started out in, with the grass and the tress and stuff, is called pre-searing. It's merely a tutorial area and nothing you missed there was of any importance. Unless you just liked to play in that scenery, there's no reason to remake your characters - and you will have to leave the place eventually, anyway, to advance the storyline.
You are now in post-searing. The areas here are made for parties consisting of 4 players. That means that you will have to add henchmen to fill up your party. From hereon you can play the entire game together.
You complete main quest to advance in the story and through areas, and all other quests are completely optional. It may be a good idea to do the ones in proph as a lot of them give you skills for free.
Hammers are pretty meh in early proph. You'll probably do best with a sword in the early areas because the skills you get for sword are more useful. Also make sure that you meet the requirement of your weapon, otherwise your damage will drop significantly.|||Quote:
Hey, so we are in the game, everything is working. Now we started with Prophecies and when you get the profession quest you kinda spit with your mate, am I right? We went to different locations to do our Main and off profession quests, and there we noticed some other quest, but we didn't take them because we want to play 2gether and we thought that we will stick to the main quest... So we did. And we ware level 2 at that time and we started the main quest event and we ware taken to the mission on our owns not in the party, we ware pissed. We did it on our own and the lands changed we ware level 2, missed a lot of quests, mobs ware tough to kill and the game seems pretty messed up right now, we think that we will remake the chars and do you guys can give any tips? and should we take the non main quests? and with what weapon should i level up a warrior? I started with a hammer then picked up a sword shield and my damage sucked : D so yea i made a pretty stupid, dumb and long post, hope someone will reply, thanks.
Yes, I would make new characters and stay longer in pre-searing (the nice time before the mission.) Run around in presearing for a while, do those silly side quests, find the other skill trainers (there are a lot of them), learn these skills, and when you're level 5-8, then go and do that mission.
As a warrior, you can learn the following skills in presearing:
Healing Signet
Sever Artery
Cyclone Axe
Executioner's Strike
Hammer Bash
Other professions have a similar amount of available skills. I wouldn't leave presearing until I had learned the lot of these, at the very least.
As for the pathetic damage output of your weapon... welcome to the world of GW PvE. However, keep in mind that your sword is probably of the 1-3 damage variety, ideal for cutting up Aloe Seeds in presearing but not for much outside of that. It gets better later on, until the monsters start to be lvl 30 and to be clad in massive amounts of armor.|||thank you guys, Lytha and what are the ranger skills that you can learn pre-searing?

|||Charm Animal
Comfort Animal
Power Shot
Troll Unguent
Dual Shot
Point blank shot
Ignite arrows
Read the wind
Also, if your damage dropped when you switched to a different weapon type, did you remember to switch your attribute points from hammer mastery to swordmanship?|||omg dude you saved me : D all my points ware on hammers

|||Sorry for double post bus guys from witch chapter should we start? Is our choice good, that we picked prophecies? I heard that people recommend to begin from nightfall?|||Prophecies is the first one, so if you want to get absolutely the most out of the story, you should start there. But it also progresses very slowly.
Factions progresses very quick, and can be a bit quick for a new player.
Nightfall is usually recommended because it's nicely in the middle. It's not horribly slow, but it still has enough time to learn most of the stuff. And Nightfall introduces you to heroes. Otherwise you'd have to wait until you get to a port town to go to EotN (Kamadan/Lions Arch/Kaineng Center). Heroes are like henchmen, but you can pick their skills and equipment, and also control their actions a bit (set a location for them to stay at, and pick between aggressive/defensive/avoid combat and lock a specific target). Heroes are very useful to have, as they practically always perform better than normal henchmen.
Also, you can edit your post, there's a nice red button with edges that have just been rounded, so no sharp corners or anything.|||Here is the list of all skills that you can learn in presearing:
I wouldn't start in Factions as a new player, because you're getting thrown nasty foes into your face very early on (on the very first map already, to be precise - lvl 12 necromancer critter against lvl 2 characters? What madness is this?).
But both Nightfall and Prophecies are fine. Personally, I'd start in Prophecies, too, because that's the first. Nightfall has
some spoilers about the first two games.|||I started out in Prophecies. The learning curve is nice and gentle but you still feel like you're doing something. Factions is a mad bumrush, and Nightfall can be a little irritating with its Sunspear Rank quests. I'd pick Prophecies because there's a ton more quests that reward skills, which saves you money on buying said skills.