Monday, April 16, 2012

What do the titles mean?

I just started playing GW trying to learn for when GW2 comes out but I dont fully understand what the titles mean like legendary etc. Also who do i talk to so I can PVP with a pvp toon? Thanks...

P.S. How do I find out about elites?|||There are a number of titles for doing things in game.

That's the full list and details.

Most titles are just a way to show what you've done in the game (done all missions + bonus in normal and hard mode for example). Legendary is usually reserved for the max level of a title or for titles for completing something in all 3 games (Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall...Eye of the North is an expansion).

Some titles provide either an in game benefit (Wisdom increases the chance that you will not destroy an item you are salvaging a modifier off of) or have skills tied to them that increase in power as you gain ranks in the title (Sunspear title in NF, Kuzick/Luxon in Factions for example).

When you first create a new character, you are given the option of making them a PVE or PVP character. You will start in the Great Temple of Balthazar, and can reach most of the PVP game types from there. To PVP with a PVE character, you need to get them to the Great Temple of Balthazar (usually this means getting to a "port" city (Kamadan in NF, Kaineng in Factions and Lion's Arch in Proph) and then mapping there by using the boat icon you will then see on your main map (M key).

If you mean elite skills, then here's the wiki link:

But basically, you can place one elite on your bar at a time (there are exceptions to this) and they are generally more powerful than regular skills.

For PVP, you can unlock Elites (and regular skills and weapon/armor modifiers) with Balthazar faction (points you get for killing stuff in the PVP games).

You can do that with a PVE character too, but to use the elite you will need to do one of the following: a signet of capture (will be at the end of the skill list at skill trainers in later parts of game, or any guild hall skill trainer), equip it, find the boss with the elite you want (easiest to look up the skill you want on the wiki, then clicking the boss name to see where they are), kill the boss, activate signet of capture, select elite skill, click ok.

2. unlock the elite with balth. faction, buy an elite skill tome (depending on profession, they range from about 2k to 13k ea), use elite tome.

Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it. GW2 is looking to be a bit different from GW1, but it will be a good introduction to the way the developers like to make their games work. Have fun.|||It's a way of showing that you're a big deal,

that people know you,

that you're very important,

you have lots of leather bound books,

your guild hall smells of rich mahogany,

and that in the end, you're a god walking amongst mere mortals.|||The cliffnotes version is ...

In Guild Wars they're essentially for show. Some have some benefit as Blade said but most don't. It isn't until Guild Wars 2 that they really serve a purpose as they will allow you to get certain unique items etc. (if memory serves).

Hope that helps!|||Titles are there to give people some sort of motivation to do some stuff. You know, the sight of a cartography title track at 99.8% is such a tease that you're quite motivated to get the last few percentiles. The sight of a 12/13 protector title gives you some motivation to get the last mission done as well, and so on.

In other words, they are there to give you some motivation to keep playing some more, when you might otherwise just say to yourself that you're done with the game for now.|||Lucky, treasure hunter, and wisdom tracks increase your chances of successful salvage and lockpick retention.

Sunspear is for sunspear skills,

lightbringer the same, as well as the passive skill that helps you against demonic servants of abbadon. (margonites and tormented. dunno if this works against titans or not)

Luxon and kurzic tracks are mainly for the skills on thier respective tracks. They take a LONG time to max out though.

The various eye of the north track skills,





tracks, are all for their respective pve skills, as well as buffs for their areas.

Deldrimor gives you bonus against destroyers, but you'll likely never see destoryers outside of eye of the north. At least at this stage.

Norn track gives you extra heath in norn territory only.

Asuran gives you bonus energy in asuran territory.

Vanguard track gives you bonus against charr, which is actually fairly useful in other places in the game, like most of the ascalon territories. This track comes in especially useful in HM vs charr.

Most of the rest of them, like the party or drunk tracks,

the mission tracks in normal and HM, cartographer, or skill collector... don't have any real innate value or useage.

But... if you have eye of the north, you can have them represented in your hall of monuments.

Also, if you get 10 tracks maxed (level 2 on kind of a big deal track) then you can get a rainbow phoenix to show up in your hall.

Maybe they might link tracks to other things down the road.. but... don't hold your breath on anything like that.

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