Monday, April 16, 2012

Capping Elite Skills

I'm about to start concentrating on capping more elite skills (for the titles) and figured I'd combine that with vanquishing, etc.

My question is this. When you are attempting to cap an elite skill that is different from your current profession (such as Ele as main and Rit as secondary) and the boss you kill has an assassin elite, will you be able to cap that elite if you aren't running as an assassin as your main or secondary?

Sorry for the question but I haven't capped many skills yet, just ones that I've needed at the time. Thanks for the assistance!|||No. You can only capture a skill if it belongs to either your primary or secondary profession.|||Thanks for the reply Vana!|||Okay, here's another couple of tidbits on skillcapping you might wish to know about.

First off, you can only take 3 skillcaps max at a time, and they count as pve skills. So if you have other pve skills on at the time, (one of the sunspear, lightbringer, kurzick/luxon, or eye of the north pve skills,) then you'll not be able to take extra skillcaps.

If you max out on 3 skillcaps and can find enough bosses to fill them up, you'll end up with 4 elites! Although how useful this will be will depend on your builds, professions and weapons at the time.

Watch out when going into another zone. If you move from one zone to the other, all but one elite will be removed. Only the elite on the far right of your skillbar will remain.

So when zoning, try and remember to save the one elite you want by moving it.

(which of course, very few of us remember to do at the time. I'm sure you'll remember this AFTER you've zoned and Elemental attunement goes byebye in favor of some rit weapon spell you've not the skillpoints to use very well.)|||I find that vanquishing often requires a solid build of your own, so bringing a bunch of capsigs can significantly slow you or impair you. I tend to do skill capping by itself, and vanquish separately.

Maybe you'll be more succesful than me though, good luck!|||True... VQ and skillcapping tend to not mix to terribly well.

HOWEVER... if you plan ahead, you can sometimes use that extra elite to give you some serious advantage. Remember to wiki your area, and figure things out beforehand.

Example might be you're running ele, and you can cap a good matching skill out there that matches the class of element you're using, and you already have an elite on. (capping a good water nuke spell while having elemental attunement on. Extra power AND a nuke)|||Thanks as well for the tips Alaris and Noa! I will definitely plan ahead before going into an area to see if VQing and skill capping will work well together or not. I know what you mean by needing a solid build for vanquishing as I have done a little more than half of Factions (actually should have thought about the skill capping BEFORE doing the cartography lol).

I appreciate the reminders about the limits of skills I would have available if I brought out the max number of caps, Noa, as well as possibly using those elites captured to my advantage (or dis-advantage).

I have finished the Factions and NF carto titles, but am a little less than 50% for Prophecies, so I'll probably start there and definitely "think" before-hand.

Thanks again, as well as for the good luck wishes, Alaris! |||Oh, any core skill that needs capping, you should cap in factions. It's by far the fastest place to cap just about anything.

Good luck!|||double post not for spam, but because of internet lag...

Not that I wouldn't double post for spam... but this post isn't one of them.

No, really.|||Quote:

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Oh, any core skill that needs capping, you should cap in factions. It's by far the fastest place to cap just about anything.

Good luck!

Thanks for this tip as well!

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