Monday, April 16, 2012

GW:B ~two years late

Hi guys,

Been playing Guild Wars more lately. Finally beat EotN with one of my characters. Lo and behold, when I was marching into my Hall of Monuments to deposit my heroes (they don't show up with the armor that you give them, btw, lol?) Gwen started having a conversation with some guy.

Well, by the time I had all my heroes added, Gwen and this chap had a good many dialogues. Quite a cute little soap opera.

Now he's outside, and the wiki says I have to give him stuff.



I understand that Gwen and this guy have to have their little argument before he'll go off to fight in Kryta. And I understand that him fighting in Kryta is integral, and required, to the War in Kryta storyline progressing normally. But they won't have an argument until after the failed picnic, and that won't happen until I hand over candles and cider (and kabob and cupcake)



The kabob is no problemo, and for some reason that I can't recall, I have 25 birthday cupcakes in my storage. 24 now, since I gave him one.

The candles will require a horrid amount of Grawl farming in EotN it seems.




- Those grawls, and the swarms of elementals that surround them, are MEAN and STINGY, heh.

The cider can only be acquired in late November via ingame holiday - two months from now.

Is the entire "Guild Wars: Beyond" package roadblocked to me until I can get Candles and Cider? Will I have to wait until late november and until after a horribly large amount of Grawl farming to even BEGIN the War in Kryta? That seems a bit weird to me.

I guess what I'm asking is, how should I handle this?|||I didn't do it that way at all, I forget how I unlocked the content but that quest is optional... it's one of several ways of unlocking the content. If my memory serves, I went in the camp and did those quests instead.

Check out the spaghetti monster chart.|||Hi Alaris, thanks for the reply. Love the walkthrough, but the chart is TERRIFYING! /cower

I haven't been down to start the War in Kryta stuff yet... I got convinced that I had to get Gwen and Thack through their paces first. As is usually the case, I found the answers about 10 minutes after I posted, heh. :P

First, for the candles:

Woot! A quest that gives 3x honeycombs as a reward. No grawl farming required, and I didn't have to stand around in LA (or wherever it is these days) screaming WTB for an hour.

Next, for the cider: (waaaaay at the bottom)

"In order to progress the Gwen and Thackeray dialogue, you no longer need to contribute all 4 perfect items to the picnic, and thus collect 4 Paper Wrapped Parcels. Instead of each specific item (except the candles), you can contribute 3 items for each category in place of the 1 perfect item. "

Really all I was afraid of was being forced (so to speak) to "WTB" in LA for hours on end. That is part of the game that I don't miss and won't be joining in this time around.


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Is the entire "Guild Wars: Beyond" package roadblocked to me until I can get Candles and Cider? Will I have to wait until late november and until after a horribly large amount of Grawl farming to even BEGIN the War in Kryta?

Short answer: No.

The items you have listed are the "ideal" items for the picnic. They are not, however, the only things he will accept. Here's a list of other items that can be used to fulfill this part of the quest.|||Ya know, for a terrifying spaghetti monster, that chart is really really nice! It took me a few reads, but it makes pretty good sense to me now, and I've got a rough outline of my weekend. Great little chart, heh. Scutilla's so crafty.|||There is usually (or at least often, after all this while of the quests being out) someone selling the quest items in the EotN. You can probly got the whole batch for like 1.5k or so, just guessing.|||Cider can still be gotten, though it's getting pricey. I still have a fair number of them, and will need to get some more come november. As far as honeycombs go... just open a couple weeks worth of nick gifts, you'll get some. Or some people dump them for a decent price.

The optimum thing is to get 4 nice presents, and 16 junk gift items.

I kinda like the wik foes because they're basicly refubished presearing mobs with some really buffed up powers now.

But you need to watch it BECAUSE they're so buffed up, only heros will be able to effectively take them on. Also if you haven't VQed the areas they populate now... you're gonna have a hell of a time VQing those zones now. (learning this the hard way on my rit and ranger who actually have those areas done)

My suggestion is get the VQing done before you get the WIK stuff fully active, especially on hard to VQ charas like warriors, assassins, or rangers.|||I didn't find the VQing of WiK areas that difficult, I just got finished with Tyria and I still found the Southern Shiverpeak mobs more annoying (Water Trident x 9001 oh god why) than the decently skilled WiK mobs.

Plus I'm pretty sure the mobs still show up as long ad you've completed EotN or Prophecies, so you may as well get used to it. The rest of the WiK quests and cutscenes you need to attend are for unlocking Lion's Arch keep, where the bounty and mission quests are given out. I think, anyway.|||The new mobs deserve some consideration and respect at least. My para waltzes through them without a second thought in HM, never once had any trouble at all, but all of my other characters have had to really put some effort in to it. They probably won't stop you, but since almost every single WiK foe brings a rez, many of them hard, it can be quite a job to take them down.

Just today my monk almost DPed out of her vanq before I just gave up on Watchtower Coast, and she was running her "I don't have much time got places to go" build. AP using 3 PvE skills, MM, SoS rit, SoH, the works. Got whooped, it was sort of pathetic. |||So what are the problem children of the WIK foes in Hm?

Is it just a matter of bringing FS? I notice that if you have a second person with you, even in HM, it can go much easier. Not sure how well the henchies work in HM.

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