Monday, April 16, 2012

absolute n00b zkey question


I am totally new to Guild Wars, still trying to figure everything out...I was asked to sell my "z key". I figured out it's Zaishen Key, which may or may not be an account. Am I correct in assuming someone wants to buy one of my accounts?

Also, are there any guilds out there that would accept a rank beginner to the game? I believe I could use the help in trying to figure this huge world out.


Zaishen keys are keys that you get from Balthasar factions which you get from playing pvp. Zaishen keys are exchanged from factions via an NPC (Non-Player Character) called tolkano who is, amoungst other places, in the Great Temple of Balthasar (GToB). The first time that you talk to him he might even give you some free zkeys due to a bug of sorts which probably happened before you started playing (its a long story RIP, Xunlai Tournament House).

a Zaishen Key is typically worth around 4.8-5 platinum.

As for the guild question i dont think ill be the right one to answer that, but if there is anything i can help you with you are welcome to ask me here or in game. My ign is Aoi Enishi but i might be playing on one of my other characters. If you add me to freindlist you can see when im online nomatter what character im on. I mostly play during the weekends and mostly friday. As for timezones, which is usually the greatest barrier for meeting people, im from europe playing in the GMT+1 timezone.

Hope that helped|||Aoi covered zkeys nicely. I'll just add a link to the official wiki just in case because it's a handy resource for all kinds of things.

For guilds, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the forum index on this site you will find a collection of "hosted" guilds. Some of them have information in stickied threads about how to join or you can contact the name in the moderator column by each guild forum for more information.

We also have a Guild recruitment forum (a few entries below this forum) that contains threads both of guilds looking for players and players looking for guilds. You might find a good match there too.

Good luck and welcome!

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