Friday, April 13, 2012

want to come back and play...

[:1]umm i quit playing wow as it just got too mainstream and catered to mental patients that cant handle difficulty... tried a few F2P mmo's but got bored after realizing i had to buy adventure packs for quests... why would i wanna level if i would just have to pay later to finish leveling... so i thought about it and i always wanted to go back to GW1... cant wait for GW2 but that wont be done for a while... questions i want actual GW1 players to answer please... 1) is there still a good player base? as in are there still a good amount of people playing... i dont wanna solo... i enjoy grouping and raiding... 2) is it pretty easy to level from 1 to max level? as in i dont wanna be alone in zones/instances/dungeons for 1 million hours... 3) is end-game good? i would like to group with a good group of people and maybe take some bosses down... 4) are the people helpful? i may have some questions in the beginning but ive been around for a while so i catch on pretty quickly... sorry for overlaps in some questions... just dont wanna waste money if i dont have to... lookin to play a game with some challenge and equal reward|||1) Player base is strong due to people working on their Hall of Monuments to take rewards to GW2. However it is spread very thin. There are daily missions / activities to do and you'll generally find those places populated.

I don't Pug, so couldn't tell you how that aspect of the game is, but get yourself a nice friendly, helpful and active guild and you'll have no problems.

2) In Factions you can go 1-20 in about 5 hours if you know what you're doing. 10 or so if you don't. Nightfall might take you a bit longer and Prophecies can go on for a while.

3) End-game is what you make of it. Get yourself a good guild or a good group of friends and you can do pretty much anything. End-game to some people is hard mode content, to others it's repeatedly clearing Domain of Anguish (a high end mission at the end of Nightfall) and to others end-game is PvP. And there's also title hunting.

4) Helpful people can be found on forums or in a nice friendly guild. Asking questions to randoms in local chat can often have disastrous results but you will find a few nice people :) . Feel free to ask questions here or if you want to look for things yourself we've got the Wiki at just have a look around the things on the main page and that should answer a whole bunch of questions you didn't know you even had :D

I've been here almost 6 years now. Still loving it. If you can grab the trilogy/complete collection it will be a solid investment. Plenty of entertainment to be had in that little package.

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