Monday, April 16, 2012

Returning and looking for build ideas

Hi all

I put this here since I didn�t want to spam every profession forum with the same thread. I�m looking to come back to GW and this time I would like to experience all the classes instead of just focusing on one, like I usually do.

I�ve looked through PvX wiki to get some ideas but the selection there seems pretty limited. The profession forums here seem to be pretty slow too so not sure if the builds are out of date. I�m terrible at creating my own builds so I�d like to hear suggestions from people who actually play these professions.

I have all the professions and can unlock any skills needed. I�m interested in any kind of a build except interrupters for any profession as long as it works and is fun to play. I know that fun is subjective, but I enjoy pretty much everything from damage dealing to 100% support. Hard mode viability would be nice too but definitely not needed. Also fun or good hero setups are welcome since I used to run racway or sabway only.

Thanks for your time and looking forward to trying out different builds ^^|||War = 100% (or close) damage, including an increased attack speed

Ele = Mostly support (i.e. snares, KDs, wards)

Monk = obvious (I strongly prefer 100% prot to any healing myself)

Assassin = Almost 100% damage with a couple self protection skills like Critical Agility

Dervish = same as sin

Ranger = A few interrupts always, otherwise whatever the situation calls for

Mesmer = Usually several interrupts and the rest AoE damage

Para = 2-3 spear skills, 1-3 party offense boosts and the rest defensive support

Rit = Usually people play them as spirit spammers

Necro = Usually either minions or high-damage curses

That's how the classes are typically played in HM. Experimenting is fun as well.|||The best way to enjoy yourself is to learn to make your own builds. Sure some of them will be bad, but that's how you learn. And since you're not interested in hard mode, you have some room to adjust. That, and actually sticking to one profession for a while to learn what makes it tick. When I started doing that, I started enjoy GW even more.

Rit is a good profession for that, because you can summon, MM, nuke, or heal. Those are 4 pretty different roles. Make sure you have boon of creation for MM or spirits spam, and for the rest you can experiment. Xinrae's Weapon is probably the best healer skill for a ritualist, with 2-3 spirits for group support.

You can also have a lot of fun with rits by combining roles, like being a MM / healer. Sure it's less efficient, but it's fun.|||Fluffball, unfortunately that's not very helpful. I asked for working builds exactly because I know roughly what the classes do (I have checked PvX wiki but it has a pretty limited selection) but totally fail at thinking up builds. :P Experimenting is not fun, it's frustrating.

And Alaris, I would like to run hardmode too in addition to normal mode. Experimenting might work out in normal modes but I just dont in any way enjoy it, especially since I've never had much eye for good combinations. Knowing that I'm running a subbar build that doesnt even work very well isnt much fun. I'd rather learn from others what actually works and then meddle with those builds.

And when it comes to focusing on one professison, that's what I've done till now. As a result my monk spent the entire proph and factions with the same skill bar, and my paragon spent the entire nightfall and eotn with the same imbagon bar with only tiny adjustions like a deepwound or a res for some areas. Even now I still couldnt go and make anything else than a mediocre build or a PvX wiki copied build for either of them and definitely not anything I'd like to risk in hardmodes. I'd like to avoid this this time around.

I was hoping people would list their favorite builds here, but if that wont happen, how far into the profession forums is it safe to dig? I've not been following the updates so a rough idea of how old builds I'd better leave alone would be good, too.|||Sorry. Rather than posting 8 specific builds 1 for each class, the idea was to show you that's its simple to make an effective build even though you may think it isn't. Take the warrior template I gave you, if you take 5 damage skills, an increased attack speed and a rez (just because everyone needs a rez from time to time), you're roughly running what the best warrior players run (8th would be an increased movement speed skill). Obviously there is a great deal of nuances in the skills, but it is HM viable to take a warrior with what I mentioned. (Edit, and just so I don't have a warrior player yelling at me, it's typical for one of those damage skills to cause Deep Wound.)

Look at the skills that you currently have available and put them in to your skill bar to match the templates. Going any deeper is really a matter of personal opinion. If you want to compare, say, Bull's Strike to Axe Rake, that's something people would be more than happy to help you decide.

Another example since I didn't give you a general monk template, the typical hybrid monk build is:

Major protection spell - minor protection spell - major healing spell - minor healing spell - condition removal - hex removal - energy management - blocking spell

If you follow that template, (basically put in ANY skill that meets that criteria) you will have a HM capable monk build, then it's up to you to execute it.

So for example: Protective Spirit - Shield of Absorbtion - Word of Healing - Patient Spirit - Dimiss Condition - Remove Hex - Selfless Spirit - Aegis

Hope that helps.|||My ranger changes too often to have a �build�. As fluffball said � whatever the situation calls for.

I always have �pain inverter� and �troll unguent�. I almost always have �you move like a dwarf� and �ebon vanguard sniper support�.

I�m playing mostly hard mode right now, so some form of interrupt is a must. At the very least, �broad head arrow� and an interrupting henchie or real player. I try to have 2 interrupts for me and an interrupting henchie. In normal mode I�ll trade the elite broad head and an interrupt for maybe �Barrage� and �splinter weapon� if there are large groups, or �burning arrow� in some places, etc. �Melandru�s arrows� and �signet of infection� make a good combination in some areas, works ok in other areas (but there are better options) and just plain sucks big time in still other areas.

Where enemy resurrects are a problem I�ll trade an interrupt for �frozen soil�

And my final thoughts would be I play almost entirely Heroes and Henchmen and I�ve adapted my skills and play style to that end. Where I used to put together a skillbar and then pick the henchies, now I tend to put together a group of henchies and try to fill the gaps with my skills.

I would think (but may very well be entirely wrong) if you were playing with real people you might be expected to interrupt in one party, barrage for max damage in another party, spam conditions next time, and so on.|||Some more thoughts to fill out your templates.

Physical characters usually need an increased attack speed. Sometimes the bars are too tight to allow it, but it's almost always a good idea.

All characters need a way to manage resources of energy and maybe adrenaline. Sometimes it's as simple as your primary attribute (a necro with high ranks of Soul Reaping needs literally no other kind of energy management.) Otherwise you may need to dedicate a skill or two. A mesmer could take Power Drain, Eles usually take an elemental attunement and Aura of Restoration.

Unless you have a reason not to, put a resurrect skill in your 8th slot.

Combine those with the templates above and I pretty much promise you you will create a good build.

Ele: Unsteady Ground, Eruption, Churning earth and Ward Against Melee all fit the description in my original post of support (KDs, blind and blocking). Add Aura of Restoration and Earth Attunement to keep your energy high. Add the paragon rez skill "We Shall Return!". That's seven skills, now add one more you like and voila, insta-ele build.|||Thanks for the tips, they're very helpful. I guess that I should try to make builds again and maybe this time I'll find the fun you seem to have with it. :)

Earth warder was actually one of the builds I looked at and couldnt decide what to get after wards and attunements. One of my problems is that newer chars dont really have a wide enough range of skills unlocked/acquired so I have to check wiki, trainers etc to see fitting new skills for their builds. But that should fix itself when I start playing them more.

As for ranger, I'm not very good with interrupts so prefer builds with 1 at most. I've been running Splinter Barrage this far but it gets boring after a while, so exploring other options like Burning Arrow or Melandru's Arrows should make that more interesting.|||When I use wards, I usually include some earth magic utility...Churning Earth, Eruption, Earthquake,Unsteady Ground, etc... Something to counter melee/ mobs in HM.|||For increased attack speed I take advantage of the red/blue/green rock candy that Nic loves to give me (I think he's confused and thinks green rock candy qualifies as a green rare item). Also reduces casting time. And you'll be able to collect pumpkin pie soon.

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