Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is the official wiki down?

[:1]I haven't been able to get there for probably a month now. Is it just me?|||Yes, I don't have any problems at all.|||I've had issues getting there for the past month myself, thought it's fine atm. Worst time to try and get on is on Monday when everyone's looking up the new nich item... it isn't down, just having more issues than normal with traffic. Although it sounds like a lot of people aren't having issues, I sure am.|||I have been having trouble as well. I was begining to believe that a browser helper object was interferring with the page loading.|||Works fine for me in Ohio. Web page loads fine too.

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=242

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 52ms, Maximum = 57ms, Average = 54ms


I'm using Firefox with tons of addons, especially noscript and flashblock, but the above is from a command prompt.|||I've had problems too for the last few weeks, sometimes i can reach the wiki but its real slow loading if it does at all.|||Ok, I'll try timing it for myself Saucermote, although I don't really know how to see packet loss and loadtimes... I tried loading the website at 5:37:45 (I checked the seconds when I started). I'll tell you when it loads.

EDIT: It managed to load at 5:48.

By the way, using firefox 4.0 with some add-ons myself at home on at&t uverse. At work I'm using internet explorer 8 and having similar issues, although I should probably try ie 8 here at home to see a more exact comparison as I don't know which company work uses.

EDIT: Hmm, I should have know this would happen. Funny enough, it's even my homepage on ie as the few times I use it, it's for stuff like this... it loaded right up instantly. Could it be that no one there tests how it works with firefox 4.0 yet? Idk how much that would affect it, but I do know some sites say to use them with a certain browser so maybe that's the issue?|||For me it's not just a slow load time. After maybe 5 minutes or more I'll eventually get a timmed out error. I managed to open the site once last night at about 11pm pacific time, and that's it.

I flushed the dns cache. I got rid of all but a few unrelated cookies yesterday, and that didn't change anything. Ill try going through the history garbage later and see if maybe an image or something in there is corrupted.|||I just tried it, no problems loading here. Have you tried deleting your temp internet files? That helps on occasion.|||Quote:

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I just tried it, no problems loading here. Have you tried deleting your temp internet files? That helps on occasion.

Yeah - that's what I meant by all the history stuff. I prefer to spend some time trying to find what the actual problem id rather than just dump everything with one click.

Just tried using the ip address only as an address and same thing. What really seems strange to me is if I do f10 in game I can open it up just fine - and that's with the game using some of the network resources.

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