Monday, April 16, 2012

Is it possible to start PvPing now ???

Hey guys. I recently bought GW and i like it. PvE is fun, but i prefer PvP a lot more.

Now, i'm really interested in doing PvP more seriously (GvG, HA), but will i be accepted in the pvp community? Do people have patience for a newbies (who are willing to learn)?|||There are some that welcome new blood and are more than happy to teach them the ropes, but a large portion of "high-end" PvP don't.

As far as starting PvP immediately- yes it's possible, but without at least unlocking staple skills/builds for profession(s) of choice, or buying a PvP unlock pack - you will be much less ineffective(and likely unwanted).|||Start looking for a guild and be upfront about needing to learn.|||Yes it is possible. However be warned...

PvP players are MUCH harsher and less forgiving. You need to be thick skinned.

Some tips:

Play with people better than you and of a similar level to you. Discuss mechanics, gameplay, weapon sets etc with these people.

Use vent as much possible and be vocal! (This is important!)

Accept criticism and use it to improve.

Be critical of yourself and others.

Play a large variety of builds.

Look PvX wiki and use wiki builds, but its also important to understand why skills and attributes are what they are in certain builds.

Switch from clicking skills to keybinds, if u click that is...

Try not to make the same mistakes more than once.

Have fun.|||I just recently started playing again. I, too, focus on PvP over PvE. As someone mentioned earlier, you need to have thick skin because people WILL trash talk you. It seems to be a lot worse than the first time I played. Something I always enjoyed (and still do) is creating unconventional builds and trying them out in random arenas. I was amazed yesterday when I took a crazy ritualist build in a RA and got called a noob by my own team, one of whom didn't have a res sig (but that's neither here nor there). The point is, if you don't play the game how people think you "should" play it, you will take heat for it so be ready.

Your best bet is to find a nice guild that is willing to help new players and stick with them. Be active in trying to make friends there. Get a mic and USE IT!

GLHF and see you out there.

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