Monday, April 16, 2012

Search Function Fail: Team Arenas?

What is there to do for smaller groups? 3 friends and I just started playing again after a couple years and were dismayed to no longer see Team Arenas as an option. They immediately gave up but I want to know if I'm missing something here. We don't feel like joining a new guild at this point as we're not really interested in expanding socially in GW. There's four of us. There used to be a gameplay option for four of us. Codex is too dead to even try out and everything I've read about it says it's an utter failure. Are we missing something or are we just sol unless we join a new guild?

P.S. We don't want to PUG 4 more and hoh either....we would get steamrolled with all the expansions we don't have combined with the mass changes to the skills we DO have.

EDIT: I seem to remember something in factions that was a 12v12 gametype...what is that and do you need a full group to do it?|||You're thinking of Alliance Battles; as long as your three friends are willing to be of the same faction as you (Luxon/Kurzick), you can play together on a four-person team, which will make up one of six teams that battle at once (3 on each side, so yeah, 12 vs. 12).

I'm pretty sure you'll need a guild hall that your friends can access in order to get to the AB outposts, but it's been awhile since I've bothered with it myself...ah, here we go:

Alliance Battle

Codex is fairly dead, so unless your group of friends is into PvE or you really trust the new HA henchmen (which aren't always too bad), you are pretty much limited to that.|||Alliance Battles. You only need a group of four to enter and your group will be randomly matched with 2 other groups for a total of 12 on your side.|||Thanks for the responses....and thanks for getting those links. Very Helpful. How come was the Team Arena dropped? Is there talk of revamping and reintroducing? I've literally been back for 1 day and can't seem to find any posts on the subject (none with any real substance anyway).|||Sure, I think the most insightful ANet post on the topic was this one:

As for whether they'll bring it back... I doubt it. We're still not getting regular balance updates which was cited in the above link as one of the main reasons for the death of the format in the first place.|||Again, thanks for the response/link. One last was mentioned in there that TA "sorely needed some love and attention." Why was this? What was wrong with the format that it needed to be changed? When we quit TA was quite popping. What went wrong?

EDIT: Are alliance battles pretty active?|||For the first part, I think it was basically decided that four-person "you-pick-the-build" arenas were more prone to gimmicks than any other PvP format - basically any skill update would unleash a torrent of new crap that immediately needed nerfs. Not that that doesn't still happen, but I suppose balancing for both 4 and 8 person arenas is a bit more complicated than only balancing for 8 person ones. In RA, it doesn't matter because most of the time the other three people aren't running anything good, and in Codex it doesn't matter because there are new restrictions every day (and no one plays it anyway).

I've generally felt AB to be fairly dead, myself, aside from really dedicated guilds that love it. You probably won't have to wait forever for a game, but it might feel like it.|||i find AB quite ok... but competitive missions overpopulated. For some reason though, the map is always on kurzick side.|||Thanks.

I just discovered the new Zaishen Menagerie. I unlocked a pet with Balthazar faction, trained him, and noticed that he's only level 5. How do you level up a pet on a PvP only character? Is it even possible? I talk to the head trainer person but she doesn't give me the option to train it and level it.|||AB would probably be quite popular if they tweaked map changing bit (what I'm saying here, I would like to see Saltspray).

You can get games on AB quite easily. Sometimes it is dead but if you don't mind playing with randoms then it should be fine.

On Menagerie, you can unlock higher level forms with Balthazar Faction, or level it by normal means (kill stuff).

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