Friday, April 13, 2012

Grand Court of Sebelkeh

[:1]My character is an elementalist (I like using air skills) and I am doing Nightfall with hereos/henchmen. The first time I tried this I didn't know what I was doing and got 2 of the portals captured then the Blasphemy got the altar and it was over. I couldn't figure out why so I went and read some hints about the mission and now every time I do even worse. I can't get more than one portal closed now.

I've read the old thread about this but I can't really follow all the slang and abbreviations. Some of the heroes mentioned I don't even have. (I have: Norgu, Tahlkora, Koss, Dunkoro, Sousuke, Melonni, Shadowhoof, Margrid, Olias, MOX, Gwen, Vekk, Ogden Stonehealer). My only elite skill is Elemental Attunement. I have prided myself on completing Prophecies and up to now in NF with only henchmen and heroes.

I don't have nor want a guild. I tried that once but got kicked out for inactivity. Sometimes I play every day then I go for months without playing at all. My kids got me hooked on this game and then went on to other things and left their poor old mama to fend for herself!

I really liked Prophecies but not Nightfall so much. I'm having a hard time following the story and it seems all broken up somehow. It doesn't help that I also started Factions and EOTN with this same character so all the quests are jumbled up in my list.

Just if anyone could tell me the best thing to do to get through this mission. I don't care about a bonus or whatever. I just want to play through. Thanks! OH and if you would be so kind as to use regular language that even an old woman could understand that would be great!|||The most important thing to remember with this mission is that the middle altar is yours, and you cannot allow the blasphemy to take it. It can come from any of the 3 enemy portals, so you have to keep a lookout and kill it as soon as possible.

Once you kill that you need to retake the central altar thingy, and then continue to kill the other bad guys and take their portals.

Things that can help is the lightbringer title, and the associated 2 skills that goes with it. The higher that is the easier the rest of the missions in NF will be for you.

Mainly though just kick the crap out of everything as fast as possible.|||First, I would recommend picking up a few more elite skills. If you want to stick with Air Magic, something like Invoke Lightning is probably good. Remember also that heroes can use skills you obtained, so capturing elite skills like Searing Flames would help toward building good heroes, even though you may not use the skill yourself.

From your post, I assume you've finished Prophecies, but not any of the others? If so, there's a Necromancer elite in the last mission of Prophecies that you can capture: Aura of the Lich. This is a decent elite skill for a Necromancer minion master (aka MM) hero. You should be able to blow through most of Nightfall Normal Mode with a minion master Necromancer hero and two Searing Flames Elementalist heroes. If you need specific build suggestions, feel free to ask. Then, throw in the two henchmen monks and two other henchmen and you're set. For example, Odurra will give you some interrupts against spell casters, and Cynn will give you more Searing Flames.

For this specific mission, killing fast is indeed the key. Unfortunately you have to take Tahlkora, so you can't just take the MM + 2 SF heroes like I mentioned above. With Tahlkora, I might give her a hybrid build, then drop one of the henchman monks for a damage dealing henchman.

Make sure you keep an eye on the various counters. You need to make sure to recapture the altar and the rifts if they start to fall. I'd clear the center altar, head toward one rift (usually one with a Blasphemy coming), kill everything, capture the rift, then head back to the center to defend it against the next Blasphemy. Once that Blasphemy is down, I check the altar counter to make sure I'm good, then head to one of the other rifts, and so on.

With regards to abbreviations, you can check out the Abbreviations, Terms, Definitions, Slang, and Emotes thread.

Good luck.

-T|||When doing this mission with heroes and henchmen, it is extra helpful to activate your lightbringer title, even if it is at a low level. This since all your heroes get whatever title bonus you have active.

In this mission, as said before, key is to kill so fast that the counters dont go back up (they open up by themselves if left alone for too long). Ideally you want to be able to kill so fast that you have all three rifts closed before the first one open up again. Make sure to keep an eye on the counters, and always make sure the center is not taken. Also, the flags are extra helpful here; use them to have a group defend the middle if a blasphemy is coming while a smaller group (maybe just you by yourself) stay behind to close the rift once all the enemies are dead. Also use the flags to position your group at the rifts/altar so they can close them as fast as possible.

Due to the close quarters and multitude of bodies, area-of-effect spells and minion masters are very effective.|||I think I found it useful to place a flag for Olias and Tahlkora back to the center sometimes so that the blasphemy had a more difficult time to capture the altar, while I and the rest of my heroes and henchmen were still busy with one of the portals.

But it's been over a year that I played this mission last time, so this may not be such a useful hint. I don't know.|||OK, I'm convinced. I'll go and work on my Lightbringer title before tackling this again. Also, maybe I'll go get that minion master skill from the lich. That's good to know. I really haven't done much work on my heroes. I like them because they are better than the henchmen (Alesia especially) but they are a bother to equip and acquire skills for. I really should pay more attention to them! Thanks for the tips, and for the link to the abbreviations. That is helpful!|||Quote:

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OK, I'm convinced. I'll go and work on my Lightbringer title before tackling this again.

Honestly, just to get past this mission, Lightbringer isn't necessary. To get Masters, sure, LB will help, but you can always come back for that later. I just don't think grinding Lightbringer is a good use of your game time if this mission is blocking story progression.


Also, maybe I'll go get that minion master skill from the lich.

Though the name is "Aura of the Lich", the skill is actually captured from one of the bosses, not the Lich himself. Check the link for the actual boss name. Also, if you're not aware, to capture a skill your primary or secondary profession has to match the skill you want to capture. So in this case, you need to be Elementalist/Necromancer to capture that necromancer skill. Not changing the secondary profession before going off to cap a skill is one of those *facepalm* moments if the boss is hard to get.

-T|||Yes I did not mean you should go grind your Lightbringer title, just that you should make sure to activate it at whatever level you do have. Every little bit helps and all, and it is a free benefit so why not take advantage of it. Good use of flags is way more important in my opinion. As is sensible Hero builds.|||Oh OK. I will look up that Aura of the Lich skill. I actually liked that mission in Prophecies so it will be fun to do it again. About the Lightbringer thing, I have no title right now. I only have 64 lightbringer points.

Also, I got a book for Nightfall missions. But only 3 are filled in. Consulate Docks, Venta Cemetary and Dasha Vestibule. I read about some of the others that are supposed to be in there and I've done some of them but they are not filled in. Why not?|||Perhaps you weren't carrying the book in your inventory while you were playing those missions?

Go talk to the NPC that gave you the book and you may still be able to add those missions in it.

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