Friday, April 13, 2012

Can't remember and can't find answer on wiki....

[:1]Do weapon requirements take runes (or other attribute modifiers) into consideration?

IE. Does your character need a natural 9 or does a natural 8 + minor rune (or whatever combo needed for a modified 9), meet the requirement for a R9 weapon?

I haven't played for about 2 years and I'm starting some new characters with my son (he's new) and I couldn't find the answer to this on the wiki (I'm sure I was just searching the wrong topics....?). My gut (and partial old man memory), tells me rune and spell modified values are used to meet requirements for equipment, but I wanted someone convince me of it....

Thanks in advance!|||As long as you have what it states in the requirement it doesn't matter what gets you there, be it runes, consumables or pve skills.|||SOmething to note as well, weakness condition knocks your stats down a notch, so if you're right on the point where you meet a weapon requirement (say you have a nice skin sword that's r11, and you move your stat to match that) and get hit with weakness, then your requrement will be to to high, and the weapon will only be giving you single digit damage numbers when you use it.

So it goes either way.|||Appreciate the feedback and I was aware that penalties worked against this. There are aslo a couple of Necro Hexes that jank your Primary attribute pretty badly (but they are fairly short duration).|||Quote:

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Does your character need a natural 9 or does a natural 8 + minor rune (or whatever combo needed for a modified 9), meet the requirement for a R9 weapon?

8 + minor rune is enough, all modifications from whatever source counts (as Kedde said).

However, note that while a Req. 9 weapon will require 9 to do non-negligible damage, it will require 12 to do the damage listed in the weapon description. For example, a 15-22 damage sword with req. 9 will only do 12-17 damage on swordsmanship 9.|||Errrr...I've never heard that before and would like to see something that states this in writting from some ANet source. I suspect you are mistaken or are not taking your target's AL into account|||I think overall a req 9 weapon would need a attribute 12 to cover penalties or for that matter can offer more damage potential to its max that's the impression I get and learning from this topic... Here is what may further help in our discussion.

Here are some sources.|||The above pretty much covers it. More stuff on the wiki:

Under the weapon damage section it goes into detail about the formulas used to calculate damage based on the weapon damage and your character level.|||I knew that 12 was the sweet spot for setup with a particular weapon, but I had no idea you needed 12 to do full listed weapon damage. I've been playing this game on and off for over 5 years and I never knew about this.....*shrug*|||Same here it wasn't too long ago I learned this, years I only played the req required and ALSO didn't know that when the shield or staff etc would give you more energy or health even you don't meet the req it helps with what is not required.

I thought you had to have the req for the whole thing to work with the req, apparently not after checking out how skins looked while equipped numbers changed....and still didn't believe even if the numbers changed would I get the percentage it gives would work!? So I believe it does, BUT what is next to the req number to do it.

Presently I put 14 on strength and 12 on my axe seems to do better...and gives you more versatility for other weapons and actually I didn't even know its a max number as well.

With so much to learn in the game you kinda just do what you can with what you got while reaching goals.

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