Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Going to start aiming for GWAMM...

Hey guys, wasnt sure where to post this sorry if its the wrong place.

Ive come back to guild wars after a roughly 2-year break and decided to get a character GWAMM before GW2.

I've decided to this with a new char, so I can get legendary survivor - which means one less consumable title.

I want to ask, which class is better/ more viable in HM? Im currently torn between making an assassin or a necro. And, if I choose necro, which campaign should I start with?

Also, how long will GWAMM roughly take in hours? I know this is a difficult question to answer, I just want to know what I'm getting myself into!

Finally, any other tips you can give? Especially for HM, havent really done much HM apart from the WiK stuff...|||My first character (ele) achieved GWAMM after about 3,400 hours of play in the course of two years. Naturally, I spent a substantial number of those hours learning to play, enjoying festivals, farming up cash to pay for a GH and NPCs, etc. So I would guess you might be able to pull it off with maybe 1,000 hours.

The accomplishment-based titles (Guardian, Cartography, Vanquisher, Skill Hunter, LMotN) should take a negligible amount of time compared to the grind titles (reputation titles, consumable titles, Treasure Hunter, Lucky/Unlucky, Wisdom). Get the accomplishment titles done first, except maybe LMotN, and then decide which of the others you'll use to fill in the remainder to GWAMM.

Some of those are account-wide titles on which your other characters may have made notable progress (Friend of the Kurzicks/Luxons, for example), so that should cut down the time your GWAMM character will have to spend to max them out.|||I have r1 luxon already, which is nothing compared to the max title unfortunately!

Yeah, I'm definately aimoing for accomplishment titles first, and I'll probably do cartography and vanquishing simultaneously. As for LMotN, i thought itd be smart to do that before any of the rep titles (bar lightbringer and sunspear, which seem to be much easier than the eotn titles..), as doing all the dungeons/filling out books should give me a lot of faction.|||Kind of goes without saying, but make sure you grab NF / Heroes storybooks in NM and HM, so you can turn in for Sunspear / Lightbringer faction.

I'd, of those two, Necro is better for Legendary Survivor. Assassins are kind of squishy and you basically have to be in the heat of battle. Thought, I guess you could go A/R and just use a bow until you have LS. Then switch to daggers post-title to make farming easier...

Then again, maybe you're good with Assassins. I stink :)|||If you're going to do that, just go /rit with a staff and SoS it.

There are threads in CDF talking about how to max titles most efficiently, maybe try doing some searches there on GWAMM and/or titles. Unfortunately for you speed booking was nerfed recently.

Good luck. I'm still stuck on Treasure Hunter or Wisdom since I don't want to do drunkard and didn't know about survivor when I started playing (Factions).|||Standard GWAMM is:

Legendary Guardian (7)

Legendary Skill Hunter (4)

Legendary Vanquisher (4)

Legendary Cartographter (4)

Holy Lightbringer (1)

Legendary SpearMarshal (1)

Eotn: Legendary Mastery of the North + 4 Reputations (5)

26 Titles

The rest tend to be your flexible ones. If you go down the Survivor route then that leaves you with 3 to max.

Two of them, Sweet Tooth and Party can be maxed via simple use of items (stackale or multi use anyway), which once you have acquired the items is just some finger ache.

Your final title is going to be the painful one as the remainder all required grind or time.... Saviour of K or L, Drunkard, Un/Lucky or Treasure Hunter etc.

Personally I find that doing all the 'event's such as Canthan New Year etc gives me a bucket load of booze and party points, sweets tends to be where I am short, so on my Two GWAMMs for the final titles I did Kurzick (suvivor wasn't invented) and Drunkard (as I worked out a way to save some time on it).


I highly recommend doing zmish and zbounties as they appear, it makes it a lot easier to recruit help, and gives extra income. Maybe once Survivor is done though. Also, capping elite skills gives a lot of XP for survivor.

Out of necro and sin, I'd pick necro. It'll definitely be easier to find a party, or adapt your playstyle to the current needs. Sin were in demand during the SF craze, not sure how well they'd do now.

The title takes 1200-1500 hours focused, that's including a few mishaps and consumables titles (I did treasure hunter, luck, unluck). Treasure hunter by itself pretty much maxes luck & unluck, but it's 220 hours of pure boredom if you run chests.

Main synergies to look for:

1) install texmod asap, and maps as you go, especially with vanquishes.

2) cap as you go

3) fill up all books once

4) only grind rep when you're done with the basic requirements that give rep, e.g. don't do EotN rep grind until you're done with MotN, don't do SS & LB until you vanquish Elona

Good luck|||You probably want to completely stop buying everything (elite armors, fancy weapons, Sup Vig, event tickets, lockpicks, etc.) until you have maxed your consumable titles. I tried to continue my lockpick habit while maxing sweet and party but it just wasn't going to happen. Once I started saving up money (mostly from maxing Kurz and Lux via books and vanqs) I blew about 100k at a time on the consumable titles and they went relatively quickly.

That is unless you're a farmer with tons of money. I am not.

I'd also think about selling your booze and going for another max title (as you see I maxed both kurz and lux). 10,000 minutes drunk is 167 HOURS of clicking exactly once per minute. That's far worse than doing fun Urgoz runs or HM Shiro/Young Heroes books IMO. Young Heroes books you can do while absolutely wasted and they give decent rep and money. Shiro is good for a break and some fun play (EG HM, Temple etc., good to do with a friend and 6 heroes.)

You're right about the EotN rep titles coming almost involuntarily as you max LMotN, i.e. don't forget your books as you play though the game. For the very tiny amount of rep remaining, Norn Bear, A Gate Too Far and ATFH can all be HM henched in under 10 minutes for an easy book turn in.

Good luck, that title looks VERY pretty once you get it because you know how much enjoyment you got out of the game getting it. |||Thanks for the guide Alaris!

Quick question for the survivors - is it easy to get LS by completing missions, capping skills or just doing kilroy stonekin's punchout extravaganza over and over again? According to the wiki the latter is safer, as most of the time you simply get knocked out, rather than dying.|||Kilroy is safer and faster, though if you get a lag spike you're dead. Still, we're talking about 130 hours doing the normal way by playing normally (but getting some progress done on other titles) vs down to 10 hours if you grind it Kilroy hm.

I always do it normally, because I'm very grind-intolerant.

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