Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Campaign?

[:1]So, I'm trying to get a friend to try out Guild Wars, and I can't decide what campaign to recommend she start with. She's played RPGs before, but not MMOs.

Points for each:

  • Where it all began (yay Pre-Searing!)

  • Slowest leveling pace, gives more time to learn the game system

  • Easiest of the three

  • Doesn't overburden new players with advanced mechanics like reputation or heroes

  • Prettiest areas IMO (except Kainang)

  • Quickest leveling pace, gets new players into the meat of the game fast

  • I can group with her and work on my Kurzick title simultaneously! [/selfish]

  • The last and most polished campaign

  • Best story IMO

  • Introduces important concepts like heroes and reputation early on

  • Heroes make everything easier

Anyone else have any thoughts?|||Nightfall is what I usually recommend, but it does spoil Prophecies in that most of Prophecies content is for levels below 20. Factions was my first, thankfully, as I love the fast pace. But most people prefer the Nightfall pace & perks.

Also, check what profession might interest her more, that can help seal the deal.|||Before GW my only gaming experience was with many single-player puzzle/adventure games (starting in the days before PCs even existed) and a couple of FPS, plus some time spent in Uru (an MMO puzzle/adventure game vastly different from any other MMO out there). So I may have some idea of your friend's situation as someone new to MMOs. I am very glad I started GW with Prophecies because it took some getting used to.

It sounds like your friend might be in the same boat, so I would certainly suggest Prophecies. Access to heroes comes soon enough, long before the end of the campaign, after she's more comfortable with basic gameplay.

However, Nightfall would also be a good choice if you think she can get up to speed a little faster. I don't think Factions would be the best choice at all. Way too fast for most brand new players, though it makes veterans happy.|||Scutilla:

I'd say Prophecies or Nightfall first. . . Just don't start with Factions!

There is nothing more frustrating than playing the PvP Expansion with a Henchman / Hero team. . .

That and all the Doors are locked shut until you finish the linear story line

I've seen more "help me!" posts for people getting stuck in Factions than any other campaign

Really though you should let your friend jump around. . .

Maybe start in Prophecies and move to Nightfall once you get to Lion's Arch to finish power leveling and pickup some heroes


-|||I definitely recommend prophecies, for the reasons you and Alaris listed, assuming you don't find a good bundle price (which you will.)

Your friend won't know the classes or mechanics so probably won't make good heroes unless you give her builds, and in that case you're playing the game for her. Giving people over the age of 16 ways to beat a game is a sure fire way to make them never want to play it again. Which leads right in to Alaris' point, that you'll be giving her a way to instantly beat Prophecies.

Factions is just a pain the first time through. Even as an experienced player, the first time through Factions I was throughly confused why the game didn't give me time to level before tossing me straight in to end-game difficulty mobs. And you get penalized for killing things when you play Assassin.|||Does she have any preferences on what girl she wants to start with?

If not, then the ritualist is obscenely powerful and even without heroes she will be able to do great things. And this is especially important because new players normally don't have many unlocked skills which means her hero bars will be seriously limited.|||Which is why I'd also recommend prophecies: free skill unlocks...|||I should have mentioned that I'm planning on playing through with her, so character power and campaign confusion aren't very big issues- though I'll be playing a monk so she'll have to do the heavy lifting, and I'd rather she explore and decide what to do instead of pointing out the most efficient path like I'm used to.

I'm definitely leaning towards Prophecies, mostly for the slow growth speed, but I haven't briefed her on profession choices yet (knowing her, my money would be on ranger or mesmer). I think overall Nightfall is a better campaign, but not as newbie-friendly due to learning to use heroes and the increased difficulty. Factions was last on my list to begin with.

For some odd reason, the NCSoft site lists Prophecies as $20, Factions as $30, Nightfall as $30, and the Trilogy as... $30. So there's no reason not to recommend she buy the Trilogy, it's just a question of where to start.|||Nightfall's pace is very friendly, I would not worry about starting there.

Prophecies is good too.

Letting her pick the pace and course is the best way to play with newbies. It's fun to re-explore with them, and mostly, it's the best way for them to enjoy the game.

When you introduce her to the professions, make sure to tell her about pros and cons, and gameplay. Also mention that you'll always be 4-8 people in a team (some AI if needed) so the AI or other players can take care of other duties... not like she has to go damage because you go healing.|||Quote:

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For some odd reason, the NCSoft site lists Prophecies as $20, Factions as $30, Nightfall as $30, and the Trilogy as... $30. So there's no reason not to recommend she buy the Trilogy, it's just a question of where to start.

If you are getting them all - then it all boils down to pretty. There is no reason to force her into making an ugly character just so that she'll experience the story better.

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