Friday, April 13, 2012

Wintersday Hat Giver

[:1]Quick question. I have some friends who haven't been able to make the finale of the hat and present drops. And now there's a WIntersday Hat Giver in exchange for 125 shards.

Will the Hat Giver be in town for a week or two, or will they only stick around til then end of Wintersday which I believe is Monday afternoon?|||Think he'll be around for awhile...I forget how long he was here last time, but probably at least a week.|||If you talk to him, he says his boat leaves at the end of Canthan New Year, so he's here for awhile it seems.|||thank you so much, you guys|||I'd advise you not to count on him being here THAT long. That was the result of last year's screw up in regards to hats.

The text is still the same from last years, and... he COULD concivibly stick around that long. But my personal experience in dealing with this game is... don't anticipate it being that way. I'd say he'll be in game a full week, maybe two at best, and then any extra time after that is gravy.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I've had a few occasions where a particular NPC is slated to be around for a while, and then due to some mix up, got yanked, and anet felt it wasn't worth pushing them back in, so they didn't.

For all we know, they could be gearing up for the dirvish update, and he gets taken away in that, and doesn't come back.|||Good points, Noa.|||125 seems a lot to me (or 250, because you probably missed both). During my scarce in-game time the last two weeks I only got ~60 CCshards from drops. is there a special quest that drops more than the regular "festive mobs"?

That would be good to know for people that missed the masks in the Grenth vs. Dwayna rounds.|||Quote:

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125 seems a lot to me (or 250, because you probably missed both). During my scarce in-game time the last two weeks I only got ~60 CCshards from drops. is there a special quest that drops more than the regular "festive mobs"?

That would be good to know for people that missed the masks in the Grenth vs. Dwayna rounds.

Strength of Snow will drop extra shards. And you'll get gifts as well!|||Quote:

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125 seems a lot to me (or 250, because you probably missed both). During my scarce in-game time the last two weeks I only got ~60 CCshards from drops. is there a special quest that drops more than the regular "festive mobs"?

That would be good to know for people that missed the masks in the Grenth vs. Dwayna rounds.

Crush, 15gifts/tonics every 3 min. 16 runs give one stack of gifts, one stack will average anything from 50-150 shards, I had about 9 stacks of CC shards a few days back.|||Yeah, Strength of snow generates as little as 10, to as much as 30 shards a run, with 5 presents at the end. Each run can take anywhere from 5 min to 10 min if you're paying attention.

You can KIND of help the snowmen at the end, as long as it doesn't put you in to much danger. If you're going to agro 7 or more grinches, including an icy, just wait it out.

If you can do Crush fast, that's a good way to go. Quick presents that can be popped open should get you what you need.

Worse comes to worse, just buy a stack from players. If presents are going for less then 25k a stack, the shards should be going for at least half that.

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