Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nightfall RPG Char in Prophecies

I'm debating which campaign to go through with a mesmer. One thing I learned about Nightfalls is that skills are bought with skill points and gold. The thing about prophecies is that you earn skills while doing quests. If a NF char goes to the Proph continent is that character able to learn Proph skills via quests or do they have to pay for them?|||You can get skills from the quests you are able to do, which means quests from Kryta and onwards.|||If you go from Prophecies to NF though, most of the content will be easy for you. Just FYI|||cool. I'll prolly go with prophecies, so will I be able to get the elite spells from the other campaigns as well, using signets of capture? Also, will I be able to get heroes and use heroes from Nightfall?|||Quote:

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cool. I'll prolly go with prophecies, so will I be able to get the elite spells from the other campaigns as well, using signets of capture? Also, will I be able to get heroes and use heroes from Nightfall?

Yes, and yes. In fact, once you get to LA, you can go to NF and get a few heroes, then jump back into finishing Prophecies. If you have EOTN, you can go there too for a few heroes if you're level 10.|||You can get elite skills from any campaign you own, it doesn't matter which campaign you start in.

The things I have against starting in prophecies are; lack of heroes until you hit lion's arch and move to eotn or night fall, you don't get your final 30 skill points until a long ways in. In Nightfall and Factions, you get the 30 points relatively early on and easily.

A lot of skill quests will be unavailable to you if you start in nightfall/factions and move over to prophecies. Keep in mind that you can get tombs that teach you any skill you've already unlocked on the account for much less than the 1 platinum that it would have cost at the trader.

It is worth starting one character in prophecies just to see the early area and storyline, I think out of my 10 characters, only 2 started in prophecies.|||If you start in nightfall you could do what I did. Use hero skill points to get skills for your profession. Just do that until you make it to prophecies, than you can get skill quests there.|||The place of beginning actually only changes your available professions, the looks of your character and the tutorial/beginning sequence. I.e. the first experiences may vary but getting to LA or the "mainland" in Factions and NF makes the story exactly the same regardless of the starting campaign.|||While largely true, only Proph. born characters can do the Cities of Ascalon quest to get a free -50 Grim Cesta (usually 5k from other players) and there are some Gwen NPC related quests that you need the tapestry shred you can only get from pre-searing (unless you can buy one from another player).

Also, when you do missions before the entry point to any campaign you weren't born in, the game will tell you you are reliving events from the past or something like that and you won't get any reward for NM completion.

But Proph is very much slower than the other campaigns to level 20 content unless you can get a run (which you shouldn't do on your first time through the game really). If you have a friend (or a 2nd account and PC), Proph is quite a bit faster to complete than the others.|||Quote:

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While largely true, only Proph. born characters can do the Cities of Ascalon quest to get a free -50 Grim Cesta (usually 5k from other players) and there are some Gwen NPC related quests that you need the tapestry shred you can only get from pre-searing (unless you can buy one from another player).

Also, when you do missions before the entry point to any campaign you weren't born in, the game will tell you you are reliving events from the past or something like that and you won't get any reward for NM completion.

But Proph is very much slower than the other campaigns to level 20 content unless you can get a run (which you shouldn't do on your first time through the game really). If you have a friend (or a 2nd account and PC), Proph is quite a bit faster to complete than the others.

Not to mention, the nightfall and factions attributes quests are easy mode compared to prophecies, and are done a hell of a lot sooner.

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