Saturday, April 14, 2012

Newbie questions

[:1]What is up with all these different guild war types I've been seeing? Faction, Nightfall, etc.? Are they like expansion packs? If not, are there any expansion packs? If I just buy the original version (whichever it is), will it affect my gameplay? I just really want to level and pvp mostly (I think). Is max level really 20? I feel like I have many more questions but I can't think of them as of now. So in the case, if you have any good advice/tips/facts about this game for me, please feel free to write them down :). Thanks in advance.|||Guild Wars (Prophesies) = first chapter

Factions= 2nd


level cap is only 20, but there is much to do once you've reached it.

They're called chapters, and are completely standalone, however some story does tie them together. Also, you can buy one, later decide you want more...and you can take the same character across the ocean.

Nightfall introduces Heroes, which are basically customizable henchmen, they level up (to 20), you can give them gear and even find armor remnants to get them special armor sets( cosmetic only).

Eye of the North is the only expansion, you must have any of the others in order to play it.

Last thing I can think of right now, if you want to PvP a lot, you may consider getting the PvP unlock pack, so you can run the good builds from the start...I would suggest at least one chapter playthrough to get basic mechanics down personally.|||First off, thank you for the reply.

Is there any advantages/disadvantages from buying one of the chapters instead of the others or whatever? or do they only present basically different story modes? And yeah in most games I've played, I always tended to level first and then do a lot of pvp at max lvl. But I already got the original guild wars version for free so I'm not sure what to do. also if i dont have eye of the north, would that affect my gameplay at all? my pvp? or anything?|||Also, it sounds like having only one of the chapters will limit my abilities in pvp. Is that true? I read somewhere like you can only be an assassin with the Factions chapter or something for example, what if I want to be an assassin in pvp then? Also by having the pvp access kit, how would leveling work? Getting armor/weapons? Is pvp that good in this game to where I could be entertained by just pvp alone? All these chapters make things'd be a lot easier if they just added more story to the game but from the sounds of it, it doesn't and that worries me a bit.|||By "original Guild Wars", do you mean Prophecies? It was the first campaign that was released and it's probably the easiest to start with too. From an experienced player's point of view it's the most boring chapter as well (that's just my opinion though, obviously), but you should enjoy your first play through it.

Eye of the North is an expansion (not a stand-alone campaign), it has some new skills and heroes that you can't get elsewhere, but that's it. Some of those skills are very powerful (especially in PvE) so it will affect your gameplay in that way. You won't need them to beat any of the previous chapters though. If you only want to play PvP, then I assume that these skills (apart from some special PvE-only skills) are included in the PvP unlock pack that Nochtflamir mentioned.

So if you've already got one of the chapters, then just start playing! You can buy and link the other chapters to your account at any point later, and of course play the new chapters with your existing characters. I would recommend you to play the PvE campaign first as well before trying PvP, you'll learn the controls and some basic stuff about the game nicely like that. And it helps a lot if you find a nice guild or have some friends to play with... Good luck! :)|||Quote:

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Also, it sounds like having only one of the chapters will limit my abilities in pvp. Is that true? I read somewhere like you can only be an assassin with the Factions chapter or something for example, what if I want to be an assassin in pvp then?

Yes, that's true. You can only be an Assassin if you own the Factions campaign. Also, if you want to be a Ritualist, you need Factions as well. For Paragon and Dervish you need to have the Nightfall campaign...

You get the six "core" professions with each campaign (including Prophecies): Warrior, Monk, Elementalist, Mesmer, Ranger, Necromancer

When you create a character, you'll have to decide whether you want to make it a PvE or a PvP character.

If you choose to make a PvE character, you level up your character and have to find or craft all the weapons and armor that you want.

If you choose PvP, you skip the whole leveling up process and your character gains easy access to max level armor and weapons, but you can't play any of the PvE content with that character. You can unlock more stuff with faction points that you gain when playing.

Is PvP alone good enough reason to play this game? That's a difficult question to answer... I probably wouldn't be entertained for long enough, as I prefer PvE a lot more and only play PvP occasionally. But then again there are people who only play PvP and seem to enjoy it as well!|||yes I believe it is prophecies. on my ncsoft account, it just says guild wars. So if i get the pvp access kit, it will give me all the pvp options from all 3 chapters + expansion pack?

but yeah as to the faction/nightfall classes, that's what I thought and I'm not particularly fond of it. makes it seem like the game is separated into pieces and you gotta get all the pieces to have access to the game or something like that.

when you say you pick a character and decide whether or not to make it pvp or pve, does that mean your character can only be one or the other? meaning like on creation screen, it asks you pvp or pve or something? a little bit more elaboration on that would be greatly appreciated. makes me curious. also hows the game balanced, pvp vs pve amount wise? is the pvp any good in this game to begin with?

oh and also, thank you for replying.|||Quote:

is the pvp any good in this game to begin with?

I would wager that, as far as "MMO" games go, Guild Wars pvp is the best.

- Everyone has the same stats on their gear, so matches are determined by teamwork, strategy and skill. You can't just outgear your opponent and stomp him because you have better loot than he does.

- No giagantic delay from the time you buy to the time you can play. If you buy the pvp unlock packs, you could theoretically jump into the highest level of pvp gameplay on day 1. Not to say you'll do very well against experienced players, but you can GET there. There's no gigantic period of time that you have to spend grinding out a set of gear or rank, you don't have to /headdesk for months just to be competitive. Buy, install, play.

- Healing is so much more than "health bar goes down, health bar goes up". It's not just "react to damage and fill health bar again" -- preventing the damage from happening is usually the way to be successful. I don't heal in PvP so I'm the wrong guy to ask about it, but I have a healthy appreciation of the art.

- Everyone isn't a carbon copy of one another. I mean, yes, there's a "metagame" and "flavor of the month" trends, but overall there is variety. In other games, "every rogue will play the same" may hold true, but in GW, "every ranger will play the same" is definitely not true.

The only downside to Guild Wars PvP is that you're about 3 years too late. There are still matches going on all day every day, but the sheer amount of bodies playing the game is much less than it used to be. Sometimes you may have to wait a while for a match, and you may find yourself fighting familiar enemies more often than not. (of course, some would say that last part is a good thing!)


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yes I believe it is prophecies. on my ncsoft account, it just says guild wars. So if i get the pvp access kit, it will give me all the pvp options from all 3 chapters + expansion pack?

I'm not sure, but I think you'll get all the skills from these chapters. That's practically everything you need though, you don't get any better armor or weapons in the new chapters. As far as I know, you won't get the new professions with the pvp access kit though...

Of course, if you plan on buying all 3 chapters and the expansion, then you most likely won't need the pvp access kit.


when you say you pick a character and decide whether or not to make it pvp or pve, does that mean your character can only be one or the other? meaning like on creation screen, it asks you pvp or pve or something?

Ah, I guess I wasn't clear enough. Yes, it asks you in the character creation screen whether you want to create a PvE (roleplaying) or a PvP character.

A PvE character can play PvP, but you need to level up your character first, buy some weapons and armor, acquire some skills, and then get yourself to some certain areas in the game where you can join PvP matches. That all takes some time... With a PvP character you can join the action almost instantly and you don't have to worry about getting armor or weapons, but the downside is that you can't play PvE with that character.


also hows the game balanced, pvp vs pve amount wise? is the pvp any good in this game to begin with?

I'm not much of a PvP expert so someone else will be able to give you a better answer... PvP is (supposed to be) very good, sometimes it just puts me off because of the childish or elitist attitude of the players... but that's normal with all online gaming I suppose. I'm sure that PvP can be very rewarding, but it will take some time before you learn the basics.

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