Monday, April 16, 2012

EoE and FoW

I have a question for those of you who run FoW. I am a ranger and I'm trying to learn how to run an EoE build for FoW. However I am never able to join any groups in FoW because I am new to the FoW grouping world and no one wants to teach someone how to become good in FoW that I've found so I've come here asking for your help. I would like to know what a good ranger does in FoW, what the build/builds look like and how the best way you have found to use them. I will show you the two builds that I have come up with but that no one seems to like and please let me know what is wrong with them. I say that not complaining but because I actually seek the knowledge to know why they don't work. The first build is as follows:

Signet of Spirits/Vampirism/Bloodsong/Pain/Shadowsong/Edge of Extinction/Painful Bond/Summon Spirits. Attributes: Beast Mastery 4+3/Expertise 8/Communing 10/Channeling Magic 12.

The second build is as follows: Barrage/Splinter Weapon/Distracting Shot/Edge of Extinction/Pain Inverter/Flesh of my flesh/Troll Unguent/Dryder's Defenses. Attributes: Beast Mastery 9, Expertise 10, Wilderness Survival 5, Marksmanship 11, Channeling Magic 8.

Thank you for the input.|||The really nice thing about FoW, especially in Normal Mode, is that you can run almost anything there and succeed. Your builds would be fine there, but likely the only people you're seeing that are grouping up for FoW are grouping for FoW speed clears, in which they want a Ritualist running SoS and EoE for the higher health their spirits get.

A better bet for you would be to join a guild who does FoW regularly, or convince the guild you're in that FoW isn't all that hard and create a guild event around it. Chances are you'll have a lot more fun clearing the area if you aren't grouped with people who just want to get through it as fast as possible in order to open the end chest.

If you want to optimize your builds, spirits are generally better run on a Ritualist, since they can use runes and have a higher Channeling for buffing frontliners with splinter weapon. Rangers can certainly run them, and expertise helps, but it's not really worthwhile unless you're just goofing off with your guild or vanqing or farming or some such.

The second is mostly fine, although you're better off letting a rit hit you with splinter than wasting time casting it yourself, and with a decent healer and protter, you won't need things like Troll Unguent or Dryder's Defenses (I think Dryder's is somewhat on the crappy side of Ranger stances anyway, but I leave that for people who actually play their Ranger to advise you on, and someone should probably say something about Expertise breakpoints).|||Thanks for those thoughts Erring. I do try to get my guild into FoW but its...difficult to say the least. You're right about Troll Unguent and Dryders defence since there will be a monk there anyway. Any suggestions on what to change them to and also what is this Expertise breakpoints thing?|||Hmm, some further thoughts:

If it's difficult to get your guild into FoW, how about your alliance? If not them, or if they're non-existent, you might have some luck in the Player Match-Up forum on this site. I'd bring you along with my guild, but I think most of us are a bit FoW-burnt-out at the moment, and we generally only do things like that on weekends, anyway. Nevertheless, if you PM me your IGN, I can toss you a whisper ingame if we're going anytime soon. I'd hate for someone to miss out on FoW, especially if you've never done it.

On your second build, Barrage is fairly useful in FoW, and certainly spammable with a zealous bow and enough expertise, so go ahead and bring that if it's a favorite of yours. Fill your other slots with things that compliment it, like damage modifiers (conjures, "I am the Strongest," and Ebon Battle Standard of Honor are decent choices). Maybe something like:

Barrage {e}

"I am the Strongest"

Savage Shot

Distracting Shot

Ebon Battle Standard of Honor

Edge of Extinction


Resurrection Skill of Choice

Keep in mind it's been ages since I've actually given my Ranger any play, but you might fill the optional with something like "Save Yourselves!" or Pain Inverter; whichever fits your preference better. Toss your ward down somewhere where it'll help your allies and barrage away; bring a Rit to hit you with splinter or GDW.

As far as breakpoints go, Expertise always decreases energy cost by 4% each point - so, naturally, there are point values that give it a "best" effect without wasting points. I usually ran expertise at 11+1+2, meaning using an Expertise headpiece and a major rune of expertise - it's PvE, one major rune is okay (and cheap). 14 expertise makes 10e bow skills/touch skills/etc. cost 4 energy, and it's the same at 15 and 16, so more investment isn't worth it unless you're running high energy skills. This'll also give you enough attribute points left over to go 11+1 in Marksmanship and 7+1 in Beast Mastery, enough to give you decent bow damage and a decent return on EoE.

More info on expertise here.

Hope that helps!|||Wow Erring. Thanks tons for all that information. It gives me alot to think about and try. I never knew that about the expertise and it helps because now I can put more points elsewhere.

BTW, I would be more than glad to take you up on your offer. My IGN is the Jaish Mortis and I do plan on trying to look into the other options this site provides to help me increase my FoW exp.|||If you're in ToA during busy hours, you can advertise for a "non-speed clear" or "fun run" type group for FoW and almost certainly get some takers. It's possible you'll want to limit your group to mostly heroes so people leaving have less of an effect. It does take a couple hours or so to do a full clear.|||On a personal note i would be happy to join you for clearing fow anytime, if you catch my online just give a whisp and if im not busy ill be there.

Aoi|||Awesome, thanks so much everyone.

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