Friday, April 13, 2012

Dual Class Mercs?

[:1]I'm sorry, I've tried for over a couple of hours googling every site I can find, and I find no reference to this question whatsoever. I have a simple question: Do Mercenary heroes act as their dual class parents? Everyone talks about a warrior merc, or rit merc, but nobody ever mentions this. Reason being, I'm building a WaMo right now, and I'd like to use him as a merc to be my armored healer :)

Sorry if it's already been answered, please humor me. Thanks much folks.|||Two things...

1) The merc takes the primary class of the parent, and the secondary can be anything you want it to be. You can change it if you want.

2) If you want an armored healer, forget the warriors. Warriors aren't good healers. Dervish, maybe with Avatar of Dwayna, and even then I'm not sure. Paragons can support your team a lot better with shouts to protect and heal the team.|||Point 2 needs repeating. A warrior-healer is not going to work at all.|||WHAT?!?!?! Don't listen to them! Echo Mending Wammo is strong!

jk|||Rather go for a healer/protection hybrid monk. Why not a warrior? Warriors have small energy pools and very slow energy regeneration.

Also, good protection with points invested in Divine Favor is always much better than armor. Even a 60AL Monk can stay alive easily, just as well as a 100AL (80+20) Warrior.|||The best general healing hero in the game is a Necro / Rit combo, but if you WANT to try out a WaMo healer and prove to yourself what every other sane GW player knows, more power to ya!

This is just the kind of thing ANet was counting on when they released the Hero Mercs....|||Quote:

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if you WANT to try out a WaMo healer and prove to yourself what every other sane GW player knows, more power to ya!

Even better, take Koss (the first hero you get in Nightfall), change his secondary profession to /Mo, and try to use him as a healer. He works exactly the same as your Warrior Mercenary Hero would, just looks different.|||Don't listen to them. W/E elementalists are better than W/Mo healers. W/E elementalists have excellent armor, lots of energy, and strong firestorms and flares.|||Quote:

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Don't listen to them. W/E elementalists are better than W/Mo healers. W/E elementalists have excellent armor, lots of energy, and strong firestorms and flares.

W/E Shock Ganker, one of the actually working Warrior/Caster builds.|||rofl, i use to run a W/E earth build when i first got into GW. Fun as heck, everyone looked at me like i was crazy, but said what the heck, let's rock.

Ah, the good ole days.

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