Monday, April 16, 2012

Q&A Thread - Xunlai Tournament House aka Free Money House!

After dozens of threads across Q&A and CDF I spoke with The Pointless last week and he agreed that this would be a good idea. So I present to you, the one stop shop for all things Xunlai Tournament House.

This thread will be mentioned in the Useful Guides Thread so even if it falls off the first / first few pages of this forum you should be able to find it again easily. If you have anything you'd like me to add to it, please just PM me and I'll add it in ASAP. I may also make changes to it if there's more frequently asked questions.

If you spot any errors, please let me know and I'll fix. I don't claim to know everything, but I figured I'd share what I do know! Any questions ask away. Myself or another useful forum goer will do their best to answer your questions! :)

Anywho. Onwards! (Wall o' text, ahoy!)


The Xunlai Tournament FAQ and question thread

* What is the Xunlai Tournament House?

* What are the rewards for doing this?

* How do I sign up?

* When is the tournament?

* When can I make my predictions

* What do I have to do before the tournament?

* How do I know what teams to pick?

* How can I watch the tournament?

* How do I know who's won?

* How do I pick up my rewards?

* Okay I have my rewards, now what?

* What is the Xunlai Tournament House?

Prior to May 2008 guilds would compete in tournaments for real-world prizes (computer upgrades, Guild Wars merchandise etc) however this changed in May of 2008 to the Automated Tournaments (ATs). There are daily automated tournaments, but the ones that matter for the Xunlai Tournament House (XTH) are the monthly tournaments (mATs). Not only could the competitors receive rewards from this new system but everyone could sign up and bet on which teams would end up in the top eight, and where they would place.

The Automated Tournaments covers Guild Versus Guild battles (GvG) and Hero Battles (HB or 1v1).

* What are the rewards for doing this?

Depending on how your predictions do, you will be rewarded with Tournament Reward Points which can be redeemed for different looking items for your PvP characters, or can be redeemed for Zaishen Keys which open the Zaishen Chest in the Isle of Nameless on the Battle Isles. Opening the chest adds progress to the Zaishen title track. There is also a market for the Zaishen Keys with each key selling for a decent chunk of change. For some idea of the value of Zaishen Keys simply spend a few moments in the Great Temple of Balthazar with Trade Chat on.

* How do I sign up?

As of May 7th 09 there's a new way to participate in the XTH. Simply go to and log in with your Guild Wars account information.

As well as making votes on the website, you will need to link your account to Tolkano. In your Guild Hall, or in the Isle of Nameless speak to the NPC called Tolkano and select "Register your account" Pick a character from the list, confirm that's the name you wish to use and you're set! If you ever delete this character be sure to set up a different account name.

* When is the tournament?

The Tournament is usually the last weekend of each month. However this is not set in stone. Talking to Tolkano he will tell you when the next tournament is, also when you log into the XTH, it will tell you when the next tournament is. Alternatively, ask in this thread if for some reason you can't do either.

* When can I make my predictions

The XTH usually opens a week or two before the tournament. If the house is not accepting predictions then there will be no option to save your predictions

* What do I have to do before the tournament?

Pick your teams. You can predict GvG teams and also 1v1 battles. Log into the XTH click on the "Vote Now" button. You will then be taken to the line up where you can select teams or players who have qualified. Simply drag the names over to the right hand side. If you want to correct anything, just drag the name back to the left hand side.

Don't forget to save your predictions.

It is also a good idea to save your predictions in a text file or similar. So if anything goes wrong with your rewards, you have something to refer to as your previous selections will be wiped when it is time for the next month's tournament.

* How do I know what teams to pick?

If you want to do the grunt work yourself, then follow the Guild Wars Ladder, watch Observer Mode throughout the month and make informed choices based on how teams/players do in certain situations. Teams/Players that make at least 20 Qualifier Points will be eligible for the mAT.

Many guilds will get more than the required 20 QP to play, this does not necessarily make them a better choice for a high finish, it simply means they played a lot of GvG. It is quite common for teams to get their last QP the day of the tournament and then go on to place in the final eight.

If you want the quick and easy way then keep an eye on the forums. In the Community Discussion forum there is usually a thread made where people can discuss the teams in the upcoming mAT. Some users are kind enough to share a top 8 list.

* How can I watch the tournament?

When the GvG tournament begins on the Saturday (shortly after 4PM GMT/UTC), 8AM PST talk to Tolkano in your Guild Hall / Great Temple of Balthazar, select "View Tournaments", select "GvG Monthly Championship" and click on "View".

To the right of the screen is a little button (not the drop down menu). Click on that and select "Sort by Pairing" this will allow you to see what teams are set to fight each other, and when the match ends it will tell you who won.

When a match ends it will appear on Observer Mode shortly after (default key B, or find it in the Menu menu). You can then watch the match if you want.

Once each team in the round has played a game it will move onto the next round.

The Tournament is far from quick, and usually goes on for about 6 hours as it has to cover Playoffs, Elimination Rounds, Quarter finals, Semi finals and the final.

* How do I know who's won?

For GvG, after the matches have ended, talk to Tolkano, view tournaments, select the monthly and he will give you a list of "Final Standings" which lists where all the teams finished.

For 1v1 you have to watch the matches or just wait for someone informed to post a list to a fan forum.

* How do I pick up my rewards?

The rewards come into game via a build. Sometimes this is on the first Thursday of each month, sometimes the second. Keep an eye on the update notes or the forums to see if they got added with the latest build.

To see how many Tournament Reward Points (TRP) you were awarded, you first need to talk to a Xunlai Tournament Agent called Kun Shao situated in the port towns or in the Great Temple of Balthazar.

When a town is created for the first time, it will take about 10 to 15 minutes until Kun Shao will talk to you properly. This is normal. He will tell you to come back after X minutes. Just wait about in town, go make a cup of tea, play with the dog, talk to guildies until this time passes. After a new build every single town is a new town, so do be patient.

Once this time is up, talk to the Agent and he will tell you how many points you have. To turn these into actual rewards you need to go back to Tolkano (Guild Hall or GToB) and select "Purchase Rewards" if you want to buy PvP gear or "Buy a Zaishen Key with Tournament Reward Points". Most people will pick the second option.

It is a good idea to collect your TRP on the character that you registered with Tolkano to minimise any problems.

You now have your rewards. Enjoy!

* Okay I have my rewards, now what?

You should now have a bunch of Zaishen Keys in your inventory. These can be used in two ways:

1) Used on the Zaishen Chest in the Isle of Nameless. Look for the exit to the Isle of Nameless, once inside go up the stairs in front of you, swing a left and then swing another left up some more stairs. 1 key = 1 use of the chest. Look at the useful links section at the bottom to see what you would get from the Z-Chest.

2) Sell them. This is where the average player will make their money. Keys sell for around the 5k mark. Some people will try to buy them for anywhere from 4 to 5. They usually don't go above 5 unless you're selling them in a really huge pile via an auction or something. It's really, really easy to sell them for 5k a piece though. Selling of Z-Keys usually happens in Great Temple of Balthazar American Districts (though you can probably sell them in any dist there).

FAQ and general things not covered above

* I didn't get my rewards

* I got less points than I thought I would

* I got more points than I thought I would

* I didn't get my rewards

First things first. Don't panic. There can be a number of factors why you were unable to pick up your rewards. Some can be fixed by you, some need ANet intervention.

You will get 5 TRP simply for playing even if you got absolutely no matches on the predictions. So if you didn't get the 5 then something went wrong.

-- The first thing you can do is wait. Wait a few hours, wait overnight, then talk to Kun Shao again. There can simply just be a time delay.

-- Ensure you're picking up the reward points on the character you're registered with. This is not always necessary, but it helps.

-- You may also wish to try a PvP character to pick them up. This has worked for people but may just be pure coincidence. Either way, it's an option to rule out when figuring out what went wrong.

There may have been something wrong with your account and the system was unable to find it. Go to the XTH Website and double, triple check your details, in particular the account name.

Make sure you talk to Kun Shao and then to Tolkano. I've seen people go up to Tolkano right away and cry they got no points. Doing things correctly usually helps the process :)

* I got less points than I thought I would

If you're certain you should have got more points then get in touch with Support via the website and include useful information like your account name, character name signed up for the XTH and the predictions you chose. Just do *not* give your XTH password or your account password. Nobody but you *ever* needs to see those. Ever.

* I got more points than I thought I would

Shhh. Bank error in your favour. (Or it's possible you just calculated wrong. It's usually the latter)

Remember. At the end of the day it's all a bit of fun. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Enjoy the tournaments. Learn more about PvP. Get involved in PvP if you want. Who knows, maybe we'll see your own guild in a mAT a few months down the line!

Useful links: - The Official Ladder - Official Wiki Page about the XTH - Tolkano, who he is, where to find him. - Xunlai Tournament Agent, who he is and where to find him. - Details of the Tournament in general, including breakdowns of the results + skill usage - Rewards for the tournament + details about Zaishen Rank - The Zaishen Reward Calendar. - The Zaishen Chest. What you get out of it.|||[Placeholder post in case I need to add more info and I hit the text limit, which I'm sure I will in time :) ]|||Good job Fae!|||Great job!


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* When is the tournament?

The Tournament is usually the last weekend of each month. However this is not set in stone. Talking to Tolkano he will tell you when the next tournament is. Alternatively, ask in this thread.

Also, if you log into your Xunlai Tournament House account on the GWs website, the first page will say exactly when the predictions are due in for GVG and HB. (I don't know if it is significant enough to point out that you have an extra day to put in HB predictions vs. GVG.)

Also, I don't believe there is a necessary relationship between QP and likelihood of winning is there? That was the impression I was under, if correct perhaps that should be pointed out in the section on how to know who to pick?|||Great job, Fae.

I love this particular part:


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* I got more points than I thought I would

Shhh. Bank error in your favour....


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Great job!

Also, if you log into your Xunlai Tournament House account on the GWs website, the first page will say exactly when the predictions are due in for GVG and HB. (I don't know if it is significant enough to point out that you have an extra day to put in HB predictions vs. GVG.)

Also, I don't believe there is a necessary relationship between QP and likelihood of winning is there? That was the impression I was under, if correct perhaps that should be pointed out in the section on how to know who to pick?

I shall make a note of both these points now. Thanks very much! :D Both excellent ^_^|||Linked on the Useful Guides sticky. |||Quote:

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* I didn't get my rewards

First things first. Don't panic. There can be a number of factors why you were unable to pick up your rewards. Some can be fixed by you, some need ANet intervention.

You will get 5 TRP simply for playing even if you got absolutely no matches on the predictions. So if you didn't get the 5 then something went wrong.

-- The first thing you can do is wait. Wait a few hours, wait overnight, then talk to Kun Shao again. There can simply just be a time delay.

-- Ensure you're picking up the reward points on the character you're registered with. This is not always necessary, but it helps.

-- You may also wish to try a PvP character to pick them up. This has worked for people but may just be pure coincidence. Either way, it's an option to rule out when figuring out what went wrong.

I really want to thank you for this. I didn't get my points on my main account this particular month the day we got them. But after reading this section, I went to GtoB on a PvP char, talked to Kun Shao, and got my 80 points for this month on it! So, thank you very much!|||A good thing to do would be to include a little blurb about what Zaishen keys are and what they're worth, as well as how to turn them into money. Just in case new players might be confused about them. :3

Awesome guide!|||Undoubtedly one of the most helpful threads I have ever read...

Thank you!

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