Monday, April 16, 2012

Brand new scrub here saying hello

So got the trilogy pack few days ago and went trolling around to see if I could find any info in terms of community support and it's great to see so many people playing the game. Looking forward to getting deep into the game. I was wondering however if your character carries over to the other expacs? I'm starting in prophecies (as a ranger to get my feet wet) and figured I'd work my way from there on to get the PVE aspect of the game. Hopefully the lore will keep me engrossed. Any tips will be great. Hope to see you all around..|||Yes, after you reach Lion's Arch, dialog boxes will po[p up telling you who you can talk to to travel to the other continents(chapters).For a ranger I would suggest hopping over to Nightfall when you can, and find Admiral Chiggen in Marga Coast, he has Burning Arrow - probably the quickest way to get an elite skill.|||The first time through, take your time, enjoy the sights, go wandering around and discover hidden nooks and lakes and dungeons. Don't look at the wiki and don't go out of your way looking for skills that people suggest. You only get to enjoy the magic of discovering a new game once.

That's my take on it anyway. Enjoy!|||I agree with PP who said take your time and enjoy the sights. This is my first online game and I started as a ranger. I didn't read ANYthing until I got to the ascension missions then I needed all the help I could get!

But up until then I just went with the flow of the game finding things as I went - interacting with all NPCs and taking all the quests. It was a lot of fun. Now that I'm trying to get another character through I skip a lot. Not really as much fun as the first time.|||I have been playing ranger since the start and I really feel you picked the most fun/diverse class in terms of gameplay options. You can be proficient with every martial weapon and their associated skills due to expertise. Rangers really are the jack-of-all-trades. (Except healing...)

Plus, pets. (One skill slot for another meatshield? Yes please.

I feel you should just ignore these forums and the wiki and really just play, socialize and join a friendly active guild to group with and help teach you.|||Quote:

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The first time through, take your time, enjoy the sights, go wandering around and discover hidden nooks and lakes and dungeons. Don't look at the wiki and don't go out of your way looking for skills that people suggest. You only get to enjoy the magic of discovering a new game once.

That's my take on it anyway. Enjoy!

Seeing a fully explored world map, a ton of completed titles, and millions of XP feels rewarding. But it's nothing compared to the nostalgic feelings I have when I think of my first week in GW. Magic. I wish I was a noobie!

EDIT: maybe that's why we want GW2 so bad?|||I wish I had grabbed at least some of the elite skills first time through. The right ones can really make gameplay easier. Instead I listened to others and just played the game and started grabbing them halfway through factions. I wound up putting missions and quests on hold so I could backtrack and get all of the ranger elites I had missed, then start playing the game again.

Lot's of players hate pets and consider it a wasted skill slot. I always have mine with me. Going from 6 party members to 7 with just one skill slot is just to much help to pass up. In fact, most of my heros have a level 20 pet available for when it comes in handy.

If you ask for help in a town or outpost the most common answers seem to be "ask the wiki" "the wiki is your friend" "type in /wiki" "hit f10 and type the question in the search field". Enjoy the game and the scenery, but if you need help with a quest or mission use the wiki or forums like this.|||Pets are good and bad, so no wonder there's so much controversy. They're basically a meatshield / extra damage, but the cost is 1 skill slot plus blackout of your skills when it dies. Take it or leave it.

About elites, I would advise you do a little detour to get the ones you need. You don't need to shortcut to get them, but do get them when you are near enough...

About healing, rangers are not good at it... but if you need to, rangers can spiritspam pretty well. I've once filled a healing spot as a ranger by going heavy on resto spirits. It wasn't particularly good, but it got the job done.

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