Monday, April 16, 2012

Re: skill tomes

Hi. Your local noob here for his monthly spoonfeeding session. Today I would like grape flavor.

Ok. So for the 2 of you who know me, you would know that I'm a "casual" GW player. I don't really know all of the in's and out's of the game, and I haven't played for a long time up until recently. I played for a month or two, then took a 2 year break, then rinse and repeat.

I know skill tomes can only be acquired via hard mode, and elite skill tomes can only be acquired through BOSSES in hard mode. I also know the tome you get, will be the same profession as the monster that was killed. For example: a enslaved ettin would drop a warrior tome, because the ettin itself is a "warrior".

So, onto my question: Is there a "guide" or are there "common knowledge" lists of common/efficient areas to farm different tomes? I know Kilroy Stonekin's is a decent place to farm warrior, and occasionally ranger tomes. But, as stated before, I don't really know any of the elite areas. I don't have a lot of funds to make "elite" builds or get the best gear, but I'm willing to grind it out and make money to get what I need.

Any help in this field would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.|||You can also get tomes using zaishen coins. Just letting you know.

As for efficient ways to get tomes... you're falling into the domain of farming builds, if you want to go that way. I'd suggest pvxwiki for build ideas, I for one don't farm anymore (never did farm much tbh) so I wouldn't be able to advise...|||Tomes can also drop from chests.

Your best bet is probably just to get one of the generic farm builds to get gold and then use the gold to buy the tomes you need off other players.

That said, numerous boss farms can be found on PvX wiki. For example:

This vid shows a farm for each type of tome. The build is old and probably won't work as shown due to changes to shadowform but it might at least give you more ideas for which bosses to go after.

The page also brought up a list in the suggestions bar that had some promising titles. You might find something else if you rummage through those.|||Quick question would be are you farming tomes to use or sell?

You may already be aware, but if you're farming to use them, you can't use it until the skill you want is unlocked. For example, your warrior can't use an elite tome to get Hundred Blades unless another character on your account has unlocked (captured it).|||Thanks for all the quick replies. I'll take a look at those links later.

Also, I bought the skill unlock packs and all that good stuff. So I would probably amass a bunch of them and use them on new characters.

Side note: Tomes don't use skill points ... so they make skill points almost useless, eh?|||Well, not useless, but they do start adding up. You can use skillpoints for buying various consumables though from eye of the north.

Some tomes are more in demand and harder to get then others. Right now since everyone and thier dog are making a rit, rit tomes, even the basic ones are pretty high price, usually around 800g up to 1k.

Elite rit tomes sell for 12k to 15k, but those are farmable if you know the build and place to go.

It DOES take a while though. Tomes don't drop every other drop. Even if you solo.

However... they are exempt from loot scaling, so you can get them even if the mob isn't dropping much else due to high kill rates.

I'm not sure if henchies eat tome drops though.

Now a question of my own. If a mob has dual skill sets, which tome will they likely drop?

I'm guessing it'll be based on what the Elite is that the mob has.|||The tome dropped is dependent on the primary profession of the critter.|||Quote:

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The tome dropped is dependent on the primary profession of the critter.

As determined by the color of their aura?|||Quote:

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As determined by the color of their aura?

For a boss, yes. For an ordinary foe, dropping normal tomes, there is no aura. You can usually guess the profession from the name, weapon, or type of attacks, though. (Except for some of those bizarre WiK foes with changeable builds.)

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