Friday, April 13, 2012

Guild Wars. Worth Buying?

[:1]Hello everyone, my name is Shane and I am sort of new to guild wars. I have played through the prophecies trial quite a few times testing professions for if I bought the game. I know how skills work, a little about pvp and about the campaigns and expansion pack. I know you start with core professions and how to unlock skills, I have played up through level 11 a few times and got to the snowy mountain area.

What i really want to ask though is simply. Should I invest my money into playing this game. From my trial it seems very interesting. Beautiful graphics. Nice storyline and good quests. It seems a little hard to make money in the beginning though I didn't have much time to look around. I really don't mind all that it seems like a fun game.

so what are your opinions both new players and veterans. What is your favorite campaign and is the pvp decent? Would you recommend this to me.

(I don't mind that i heard it is less active btw. Some of my family will be getting it soon and It will be fun to play with them. Going with henchman is ok too though.)

Thanks I look forward to reading more on the forums here.|||First of all, welcome. Sounds like if you really are going to get GW you are set for adventuring. My oldest couple characters just hit 5th birthday last month, so I'd say I've been hanging around in this game long enough.

Obviously most people here will recommend you to get GW, and in full scale with all the chapters and expansion. I'm no different, but not only because I like it for myself.

You mentioned playing with some of your family members. I feel GW has just the right mechanics for playing with friends and family, because of its grouping system coupled with hero/hench system. This means that you can choose to play with and only with your friends and family for private fun, or you may choose to pick up another player or two for adventure for added fun. If you hang around in GW community for a while, you would notice many couples, married and unmarried, playing together; it's because the system is ideal for groups of close people.

I wouldn't worry too much about in-game money. Most, if not all, parts of the game is possible to be played without paying for anything, though most do not opt to go for such extreme. You will most likely be able to find a weapon with a desired spec by handing in trophies to collector NPCs, and unmoddable max armor is also available through collector NPCs as well. Various equipment mods and materials will be available through drops, and some of the rarer materials can be crafted with more common ones by talking to an artisan NPC. In short, lack of money alone won't stop you from advancing through the game.|||Your answer was very helpful :). Yes i do have quite a bit of basic knowledge of the game and will probably be getting all the normal campaigns possibly Eye of the north at a later time. My brother is certainly going to play as well so I think I will have fun. Some people say WoW is better though, IMO though after playing both trials guild wars just seems to be more to my liking (not to offend of course) So yes I will be getting the game then sometime this month. Look forward to seeing you all in game.

P.S It is a relief that money is not a big deal, that was my main weakness in runescape and one reason why I dont play it much anymore. I was not exactly a "noob" but money was something I had to go out of my way for. And the levels took forever to get 99. Unlike guild wars which seems more newbie friendly: :) )|||If you are at all interested in GW, go buy all the chapters and the expansion. They're dirt cheap in the bundles. There was a post about a sale a couple weeks ago where all 3 chapters were 15 bucks. Even if you only play the game for 2 hours and then throw it away, that's cheaper than seeing a movie or going out to dinner.|||Darkaura, I've played WoW since two weeks after it went live. Played GW since the day Prophecies went live, going on six years ago. You cannot go wrong with either game. Both are great.

I've played only GW for the last year and a half after completing Wrath of the Lich King twice. But WoW now has its Cataclysm expansion and will be worth another shot. Me, I intend to give Cataclysm another six months to mature before I jump in ... unless by that time Guild Wars 2 is about to arrive. Sigh, so many games and so little time!|||Oh, well that sounds good, maybe I wll give Wow a try after I play guild wars awhile I love MMO games so I play a lot of different ones. I guess I should play both since they are so highly recommended|||I'd say get any of the campaigns (or a game pack if you can find one), and have fun. If you get bored or don't enjoy it, it won't have cost you much. Of course, on a GW forum, you'll mainly find people who enjoyed it a lot and often still do...

There's some elements of WoW that I wish GW had, and that will be in GW2, but I'd say overall that GW is a better game. Besides, without a subscription I'd say you're better off going with GW until you get bored of it...|||Quote:

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Some people say WoW is better though, IMO though after playing both trials guild wars just seems to be more to my liking (not to offend of course)

From what I observed, the only real way of knowing which one you like is to try both out, much like the different professions in GW. Different styles, different tastes. One of the reasons I like GW more is because of the privacy my bf and I get while we play, as sometimes it's awkward when you have a random stranger who insists on joining our party for one reason or another. Of course, there's other system differences that I prefer GW over WoW, but after being away from WoW for 5 years, one of the fewest things that I care now are the 7 white kittens that have been sitting in my bank.


P.S It is a relief that money is not a big deal, that was my main weakness in runescape and one reason why I dont play it much anymore. I was not exactly a "noob" but money was something I had to go out of my way for.

I did say it's possible complete the campaigns without spending money, but that doesn't mean GW currency is worthless. Currency will either be able to grant many things, such as wider variety of skills or consumables for buffs, or save you some of your time and storage space, such as looking for specific modifications and materials yourself. But at the least, you get to choose where to spend and where to save.


And the levels took forever to get 99. Unlike guild wars which seems more newbie friendly: :) )

Having the level cap at 20 is definitely nice. It puts a lot of people on the same page, giving advantage to those who are more skilled rather than those with better stats or gears, both in PvE and PvP. In this manner, at least the only thing you can blame is yourself even if you aren't skilled, saving much frustration.|||Yeah, I know money is good to have, I just meant that it isn't as important as runescape where you are constantly trying to get money for everything. And yes it is quite nice that the level system allows for player skill rather then spending years getting a higher level. I'm looking forward to playing both games. :)|||hi and welcome to GW and good luck have fun kick monster ai butt

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