Saturday, April 14, 2012

Buying eggnog

[:1]Hey so i noticed that eggnog atm is 5-8k a stack but i was wondering how long it would take for the prices to rise im guessing a few months because of the huge supply. What do you all think? and should i buy them cheap now and resell them later?|||This should probably be in the price check forum.

As far as the pricing goes, that's likely because of the mass amounts of present stacks people have generated thanks to Snowball dominance and Crush Spirits. (SD and Crush)

After the holiday is over, it'll take prices a while to go back up, and do remember that Canthan New Year is coming up as well, so that'll offer more drinks and prizes.

Eventually supplies will run low, and people will want to finish off HoM titles, and you'll be able to sell 1 point drinks for 100g again. But it may take a while.|||I've got to disagree with Noa to some extent. Prices will undoubtedly rise again eventually, but I don't think they'll ever be back to 100g/min or even 80g/min.

Since the introduction of Nick and his kegs, followed by the introduction of grog, prices for alcohol have declined. Even before this Wintersday, few buyers were paying more than 75-80g/min for any kind of quantity and the market for anything other than three-minute alcohol was pretty dead. Kegs, for example, were easy to find at 10-12k each, and it was a very slow sell to try to move one at 15k.

Given the huge oversupply from Wintersday and the large number of players who probably plan to hold a supply until prices rise, I expect the alcohol (not to mention sweets and party) market is permanently depressed.

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