Friday, April 13, 2012

Account block for using Texmod?


My account have been blocked and I only thing I think it was because I used Texmod the other night, I have contacted the support team but have got no answer.

Anyone had this?|||Texmod is by itself not reason enough to get you a ban. Contact support, give them your info, ask them what happened... they could have temp banned you to protect your account from hackers...?|||I have chatted with several friends that have used texmod and they have never been banned. Things that I would check are;

1. Did you get your texmod from a good source?

2. Does the checksum match the posted checksum?

3. Were you using texmod in any way that would violate the EULA?

ArenaNet has said many times that texmod IN IT'S ORIGINAL FORM probably wouldn't get you banned but they have never endorsed or approved texmod.|||ANet's stance on texmod is that it's ok for you to use it for carto or whatnot, provided it doesn't give you an edge in PvP or whatnot. But... don't cry to them if you get infected by a virus or it crashes your system or whatnot.|||support have got in touch with me. They are saying someone else had been using my account and there fore block it. Seem the copy of tex mod I had might be the reason. Am sure i got it through the link of the offical wiki page though|||Sometimes even the one on the official Wiki can be tampered with, since anyone can edit a Wiki. I had the same issue before; my account was blocked, not banned, and they said the reason was suspected keylogging. So really they blocked the account to protect it, which is a good thing since no one could get into it and steal your stuff (thankfully my stuff was safe).

But yeah, glad it's been taken care of, but I'd be careful with that Texmod and Wiki; I lost mine due to having to completely rebuild and upgrade this computer and am too chicken to try to get it back via Wiki. I may have to just forget about using it ever again at this rate because I'm not going to risk losing my account and all the time, effort, and money I've put into it to have some jerk take it over. So even if you did get it from the Wiki, someone could have still put something into the program/code, which put a keylogger on your computer.|||Quote:

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Seem the copy of tex mod I had might be the reason. Am sure i got it through the link of the offical wiki page though

Depends on when you got the texmod file off. Did you get it recently or right before you got blocked, or was it from a while ago? If it was from a while ago, it's probably some other reason. If it was recent, you could try asking on the talk page on the wiki if anyone else had a similar problem.|||I got this tex mod say a few years ago I had used it in the past and not had a problem with it before.

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